What are Miah's favorite colors?
A Red /Blue
B Green/Black
C Pink/Black
What is Miah's favorite movie series?
A Twilight series
B Avatar series
C Harry Potter series
Avatar Series
What is Miah's Full Name?
A Miah Childs
B Armiah "No middle" Childs
C Armiah La'Joy Childs
Armiah La'Joy Childs
How many piercings does Miah have?
A 4
B 6
C 8
What is Miah's favorite Tv show?
A SpongeBob
B Martin
C A Different World
What is Miah's favorite Hobby?
A Baking
B Sleeping
C Reading
What is Miah's favorite season?
A Summer
B Spring
C Winter
What is Miah's favorite animal?
A Elephant
B Giraffe
C Lion
Who is Miah's favorite music artist?
A Tupac
B King Von
C Cardi B
What is Miah's Dog Name?
A King
B Blue
C Alex
What is my Business name?
A Irresistibly Yummy
B Miah's Treats
C AC Treats
Irresistibly Yummy
What is Miah's favorite candy?
A Jolly Rancher Chews
B Werther's Original Coffee Hard Candy
C Starburst
Werther's Original Coffee Hard Candy
What street does Miah live on?
A Katie
B Ridegbrook
C Peacock
B Ridegbrook
Pick me!!
Miah's feeling nice at the moment!
How old is Miah turning?
A 21
B 20
C 22
A 21
What is Miah's Zodiac sign?
A Capricorn
B Pisces
C Aquarius
C Aquarius
Pick Me!!!
Sucker thought you was getting free points again huh NOPE!!!
MINUS 400!!!
What's Miah's old address?
A 200 B Potter Court
B 200 A Potter Court
C 200 C Potter Court
A 200 B Potter Court
What did Miah first start baking?
A Cakes
B Cookies
C Cheesecake
B Cookies
If Miah had to be locked in a Library or Museum for 24 hours what would she choose?
What's the name of Miah's high school.
What year was Miah born in?
What is Miah's high school mascot?
Red Devils
What Country does Miah want to travel to?
A Greece
B Japan
C Ireland
A Greece
Miah's favorite animals are wolves they were the first animal on the US Endangered Species Act list.
A 1963
B 1973
C 1983
B 1973