Where is our office located
Rm 235 Memorial Union
The training that teaches you how to help in certain situations
Bystander Intervention
Students can have a confidential meeting with a licensed _________ to fulfill sanctions or as a self-referral to explore related issues
The Alcohol & Drug Educator
The program that gives students the opportunity to meet with a peer wellness coach
This initiative reminds students to get out and vote in state and national elections and provides assistance to do so
UMaine Vote
The Student Life Educator
This group of UMaine students seeks to lead and improve the campus through education and wellness programming
_ _ _ _ _ is presented as a class that allows students to explore their drinking in a non-judgmental environment
The Director of SWELL
This free monthly email magazine is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle for students
Student Health 101
This road race takes place on 4/20 as an alternative way to catching a high
Healthy High 5k/10k/1-mile walk
What does SWELL stand for
Student Wellness Resource Center
This program is for a group of students in recovery from substance use disorder
Black Bears for Recovery
This race is an obstacle course race that will be returning this Family & Friends Weekend Sept. 22nd
Black Bear Attack