What is Maddy's current home address?
245 east 21 street 3C New York, NY 10010
Name all the sports mad played in Heschel
softball volleyball basketball and floor hockey
What is Maddy's name in Mel's phone
What color was Maddy's BM dress?
light blue
Maddy’s phone number?
Where did Maddy go study abroad?
Which animal did Maddy use for her BM that is now extinct?
The double back rhino
Fave Color?
where did maddy throw up the most?
Silver diner
Which sushi place does maddy travel to the west side for?
When was Maddy’s anniversary date?
November 27 2016
Maddy's basketball Jersey number in chug
where did maddy find mel after missing in 25 hours & What sport was the man who found mel on the street?
Ping pong club
Name all of the allergies/food restrictions.
Dairy free gluten free
What is the name of Maddy’s company & where is it located?
KSR Kassin Sabbagh Realty 1385 Broadway
What bone did Maddy break that got her to sit closer at the Jonas Brothers concert?
what 2 meals did maddy eat back to back for lunch or dinner?
Playa and Cava
Maddy’s full name
Madeline Francesca Soffer