How many months is a woman pregnant for?
9 months
What year was Caleb born?
What gender is Baby K?
Name the fruit that a uterus will stretch to the size of during pregnancy
How many days is a cow pregnant?
9 months - about 283 days
What month is Caleb's birthday?
When is Baby K's due date?
March 8th
Has Caleb ever broken a bone?
Yes, his pinky
How many days is a duck pregnant?
28 days
Was Caleb born with hair? If so, what color?
Yes, brown
How many ultrasounds have been done so far?
How much did Andrea weight when she was born?
How many days is a pig pregnant for?
About 115 days
How much did Caleb weigh when he was born?
8 lbs 1 oz
Is Baby K measuring big or small?
What is Caleb's favorite alcoholic drink?
Jack & Coke
How many days is an elephant pregnant for?
About 660 days
18-22 months
How long was Caleb when he was born?
21 3/4 in
How many pairs of shoes does Baby K have already?
So thankful for older cousins!
What is Caleb's go-to karaoke song?
Party for two