Tracy's Icks
Tracy's Mischief
Tracy's Quirks
Tracy's Dangerous Stories
Tracy's Favorite Movies

Even the sight of this lemon-lime drink makes her ask for something else.

What is Sprite?


On her 1st grade picture day, Tracy refused to wear a dress and got this as a bribe to put it on.

What is a dollar?


You might catch her doing this without realizing anyone is listening.

What is talking to herself?


Despite the presence of a prominent cartel, Tracy still enjoys traveling to this sunny destination.

What is Cabo, Mexico?


This classic 80s movie about love and dancing features the famous line, “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.”

What is Dirty Dancing?


If this hair color enters the room, she's immediately turned off, though not in a mean way.

What is red hair?


Every once in a while, Tracy gets an irresistible urge to do this to people walking by.

What is trip them?


When this happens to Tracy, it feels like the room won’t stop spinning.

What is vertigo?


Tracy once saw Dave jump into a heavy stream after Pap-pap threw this into the water.

What is a stick?


This 80s film about mischievous creatures causing chaos starts with one very important rule: never feed them after midnight.

What is Gremlins?


When someone does this in a parking lot, she’s convinced they’re trying too hard to show off.

What is parking backwards with the front facing the street?


The sisters kept little Tracy away from their friends, so little 8-year-old Tracy did this to get even.

What is hanging her dirty underwear up for their friends to see?


Lisa would do this specific action to Tracy's head, and despite the pain, Tracy loved it.

What is scratch and pick at her scalp until it bled?


When Tracy was little, she collected these and placed them in a Fisher Price house, but sadly, they didn’t survive.

What are baby rabbits?


This Adam Sandler comedy involves a fake marriage that leads to real romance while on vacation.

What is Just Go With It?


The thought of going for a swim sounds fine, but if this happens, it's like the day is ruined.

What is getting her hair wet in the pool?


When she was 10, Tracy forgot to take care of an important responsibility for days. What did she end up killing?

What are the pet doves?


Sometimes, Tracy can be found walking around the house at night without realizing it. Why?

What is sleepwalking?


As a child in Pennsylvania, this almost happened to Tracy, and it involves a crime.

What is being kidnapped?


In this apocalyptic movie, extreme weather threatens to bring about a new ice age.

What is The Day After Tomorrow?


Thanks to some childhood trauma from eating this, she’ll never touch it again.

What is deer meat?


One time, Tracy wore wooden clogs to school, and they were so loud that the school's secretary made a call. What did her mom do?

What is bring new shoes?


Tracy has a strong sense of responsibility. If she ever leaves a store realizing something isn’t right, what does she make sure to do?

What is return to pay for the item she didn’t pay for?


As kids, Tracy and Lisa would play in this dangerous spot, and after smelling like fire, they’d try to get rid of the smell by riding bikes.

What is a burn barrel?


In this comedy, two families come together on a trip to Africa, blending their lives in unexpected ways.

What is Blended?
