Love of My Life
Baby A
Baby B

"That Kid"

"You'd better eat that with Bleu Cheese. Eating them with Ranch is sacrilege."

What are Buffalo Wings?


The Love of My Life can tolerate just about anything, except the sight of this bodily fluid.

What is blood?


"Baby A" had one of her most favorite extended weekends/weekdays with this member of the family.

Who is Leah?


This category of shoes helps "Baby B" to purchase fashionable footwear at much cheaper prices.

What is children's or kids sizes?

One of "That Kid's" favorite soundtracks to hum while doing homework.

What is "The Greatest Showman"?


When called upon to take a family pet "to the farm," #outnumbered will grab these two implements to "do the deed."

What is a brown paper bag and a hammer?


The letter of the alphabet least likely to be articulated by the Love of My Life.

What is "H"?


Baby A was so obsessed with knowing this about herself that she nearly throttled her mother and father.

What is her IQ?


"Baby B's" gold-chain wearing boyfriend who knew EXACTLY how long it took to get from the after Homecoming field kegger to our house, just in time for her midnight curfew?

Who is that Gentile kid?


Her moniker for this game is based off a burning desire to see this particular landmark.

What is the Golden Gate Bridge?


#Outnumbered does this at least 100 times each morning before everyone finishes breakfast, resulting in most family members avoiding the kitchen until he leaves to take a shower.

What is clear his throat?


The Love of My Life would rather engage in this form of communication than actually speak to someone on the phone.

What is text message?


This is the number of days after which "Baby A" earned her learner's permit and her very first accident.

What is 9?


This the approximate distance, in inches, between the steering wheel and your own chest upon entering a vehicle that has been last driven by "Baby B."

What is 4 (or some other insanely short distance)?

"That kid" is know for this amazing superpower.

What is being able to fall asleep in a car within 10 minutes?


This is Dad's least favorite place to sit in the car.....especially after a Train concert.

What is the backseat?


How the Love of My Life spells the word that means "a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual respect and love."  

What is F-R-I-E-D-S?


"Baby A's" boyfriend who was neither anything like his nickname nor a good skiier.

Who was "Chatty Matty"?


Baby B would REALLY life to kill off these quasi-members of the family; however, she just cannot bring herself to do it purposefully.

 What are the goldfish?


This is "That Kid's" favorite afterschool snack (and the one that she really cleans up afterward).

What is a smoothie?


You always have to question whether #Outnumbered is telling the truth since he always answers questions in this manner.

What is confidence?


The Love of My Life has not been able to wear this/these in a long time, making her appear to be an eligible HOT MOMMA.

What is her wedding (or engagement) ring?


"Baby B" has been known to scare this member of the family by walking up the steps like a crazy person.

Who is Leah?


"Baby B's" ridiculously short single in a softball game at West Shamokin was cheered on by her Coach Kulger as comparable to this New York Yankee Slugger.

Who was Babe Ruth?

Estimated within 1 hour, this is the time "That Kid" likely goes to bed on most nights in the summer and on weekends.

What is 2 AM?
