Kenny's favorite color
Mikay's most simped for character
Big long Zhong Dong(Zhongli)
WTF is my actual nickname?
Migy :D
Jian's current wife in Genshin Impact
Name 2 out of the top 5 favorite characters of Kenny(Any series)
Optimus Prime
What couldn't Mikay do in 9th grade?
Hint: Knowledge
Separate 2 books from each other
My favorite character of all time
HU TAO(Not my room unfortunately)
Jian's favorite music artist
Kendrick Lamar
Grade in which Kenny transferred to CITU
Grade 8
Mikay's most allergic color reaction
What did the words say on my shirt?
*reveal shirt*
In the theory, Jian proposed, a giraffe looked like this
A fuqin chair
Kenny's favorite musical era
The 80s(them dinosaur ages)
Mikay's religion
LDS/The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The sport I play
Nice try it's not basketball
It's tchoukball
This is the podcast Jian frequents the most(spelling required!!!)
Kenny's eye grades
Left eye 100 Right eye 200
Mikay is allergic to all seafood except fish, however, there is ONE fish Mikay IS allergic to.
Name that fish
Total number of plays I've been in
Jian had a vehicular accident in Siargao while buying bread in the middle of a rain, what vehicle did Jian get hit by?
Jian's own motor