Bella Ricke!
(hint: think before TCU)
Who on staff is from the Windy City?
Amala Petroski
(hint: what does she talk about everyday)
(another hint: what did she do in high school)
Which staff member was a member of the award winning drill team, the Planoettes
Brian Dickson's talent and major
Who on staff is an art education major?
Brian Dickson
hint: think of his birthday
Who on staff is a gemini?
Kat's future career!
(hint: think of her major!)
Who on staff wants to be an executive producer for ESPN or Fox News?
Baton Rouge Louisiana
Where is the DA that can juggle from?
Dance and Academics
What did Bella participate in during her time in High school?
Amala is different from the staff in this way
(hint: think of academics)
Who is the only on staff with 2 majors on staff?
Alex's zodiac sign is Cancer
(hint: is anyone else born around the time of Alex)
There is 1 of these signs on staff?
Kayla's expectations for life after TCU
Who on staff wants a family in their future?
These DAs have hometowns near each other (DFW)
What do Kayla, Dekia, Brian, and Amala have in common?
Kayla, Isaac, and Alex had similar experiences in high school because of this similar.
Who on staff participated in athletics in high school?
Bella and Isaac are similar in this way (think of their time at TCU)
Who on staff is a criminal justice major?
3 members on staff have the same star sign
bonus: what is the sign
What do Kat, Courtney, and Amala have in common?
Bella and Amala are similar in this way
Which 2 DAs want to pursue a career in law after college?
bonus: what city in Kentucky?
Where is Kat from?
National Honors Society in high school
What do Kayla, Dekia, Amala and Alex have in common?
Isaac, Kat, Dekia, Brian, Courtney, and Alex are similar in this way
(hint: think of their academics at TCU)
Who on staff has minors?
Kayla and Dekia are similar in this way
(hint: think of their birthdays)
What 2 people on staff have the same zodiac sign?
Dekia, Courtney, Amala, and Bella
(hint: think of education)
Which DAs are going to grad school?
Salado, Texas
Where is Courtney from?
Dekia Greene!
(hint: think of her education t TCU)
Who on staff has a minor in African American studies?
Alex, Courtney, and Kayla are similar in this way (think of their time at TCU)
bonus: can you name their majors
Who on staff has a STEM major?
Aries, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces
What zodiac signs do we not have on staff?
FBI or law enforcement
What does Isaac plan on doing after college?