The name AND nickname of your professor for this course?
Who is Dr. Gonzalez-Garcia, aka Dr. G.G.
The number of weeks you have for this course
The assignment in which content from readings and discussions will be covered.
What are Course Exams
Assignments worth 10 percent of your grade
Field Observation Journal
The main hub where material can be found.
What is BlackBoard
The name of your required course texts.
What is Mosaic of Thought and the Comprehensive Reading Inventory 2
The dates of your midterm and final exams (hint they always fall on a Tuesday).
Midterm is on September 29 (Tuesday)
Finals is on December 8 (Tuesday)
This assignment will require you to conduct an analysis of gathered results to make important decisions for strategic literacy instruction.
What is an IRI Assessment
Assignments worth 15 percent of your grade
Literature logs
IRI Assessment
Aesthetic Representation
A place to go to for support when needing assistance in writing.
What is the Mary Francine Danis Writing Center
The delivery method in which this course will be conducted.
What is online
The number of Literature Logs and Mini-Lessons to submit (hint: they're both the same in quantity)
This assignment will require you to express your personal connections through the use of creativity and multiple forms of representation.
What is Aesthetic Representation
Assignments worth 20 percent of your grade
A place to go to when working on lesson plans and needing to align instruction to appropriate grade-level standards.
What is TEKS (TEA) or Texas Gateway
What is the contact information in which you can get a hold of your professor AND which is the preferred method of contact?
Phone: 210-901-8851
Email: (preferred)
The weeks we will not meet online as a class.
What are Literature Logs from Book Clubs.
Assignment that only counts as a Pass/Fail
Field Experience
The term used to describe an individual who exercises productive habits such as attending every class session, turning in assignments on time (or early), actively participating in discourse, and reflects the proper etiquette in the field and online community.
What is professionalism
This course supports both synchronous and asynchronous meetings. What days are supported by each method (be specific).
Tuesdays are synchronous from 4:45-6:15 pm and Thursdays are asynchronous.
Asides from chapter readings, literature logs, mini-lessons and exams, the other 3 important assignments needed for this class.
What is an IRI Assessment, a Field Observation Journal and an Aesthetic Representation
This assignment will require you to design instructional literacy lessons focusing on the use of informational/expository text, technology, and effective reading strategies.
What are mini-lessons
The highest score possible to earn in this course