I've had stitches around my eye.
Who is Colby Akins?
I sometimes forget shoes while going places.
Who is Carter Booe?
I LOVE to speed!
Who is Lauren Penner?
My hobbies include basketball, football, video games and sleeping.
Who is Jeremy Hinshaw?
This student who has visited 10 states, loves to play 9-Square!
Who is Trent Sheridan?
I have moved 13 times.
Who is Sandy Goerl?
I've done a back handspring every year since 4th grade including in 3 different countries and on ice skates.
Who is Travis Booe?
I once got kicked out of a soccer game.
Who is Sadye Patterson?
My hobbies include volleyball, on-line shopping and sleeping.
Who is Lydia Patterson?
My favorite part of youth group is not sitting!
Who is Brady Ollenburger
I do not like Hog Wild!
Who is Allie Johnson?
My cat carries up our laundry from the basement in his mouth.
Who is Brynne Ackley?
I've lost 2 kids and had a flea-bitten dog in my bed on a mission trip.
Who is Vernon Goerl?
I'm a 3 sport athlete and enjoy skiing and scuba diving.
Who is Isaac Wiedeman?
This straight shooter's favorite thing to do is working out!
Who is Mikayla Milburn?
I worked in a rat lab.
Who is Valli Dawn Booe?
I like frito cheese from a can.
Who is Rebecca Lewton?
I once jumped my car over railroad tracks.
Who is Darrell Bryan?
I like gymnastics, cheer and doing flips on my trampoline.
Who is Ella Watts?
This studious student loves playing Kahoots!
Who is Zach Bryan?
I once broke a window while golfing.
Who is Jesse Goertzen?
I play the cello!
Who is Aidyn Kilman?
I once sat on a donut and so then I ate it.
Who is Abbie Bryan?
I spend my time playing soccer, basketball, tennis and rearranging my room.
Who is Ayla Booe?
I love EVERYTHING...Mission Trips, Scavenger Hunts, being able to gather with friends and learning about God every week.
Who is Macy Wiedeman?