What do yo-yo means in the native tagalog language?
"Come come" "Come back"
What do you call the energy that a moving object has?
Kinetic energy
Where did the modern yo-yo came from?
What do you call the trick that let the spinning spoon roll around the ground before pulling it back?
Walk the dog
What is the force that pull objects toward the Earth?
When was it brought to United States?
What makes yo - yo special?
Yo -yos can fly out in all directions, make it hover in mid - air, then snap it back into his/her palm.
What forms does potential energy take in a yo-yo?
a. To fall to the ground when the yo-yo is held up in the air.
b. To spin as it unwinds when he yo-yo has string wound around it.
Who was the Philippine immigrant that decided to bring the yoyo design to the United States?
Pedro Flores
How does the yo-yoist make sure that the yo-yo in the original design rewinds?
The yo-yoist must give a slight tug on the string.
What difference does it make if the string is only looped around the axle?
It will not automatically grip the string. It will simply spin freely.
How was the original yo-yo design different from the modern one?
The original yo-yo design, the string was secured to the axle while the modern design, the string is only looped around the axle.
How has yo-yoing become more interesting?
The ability to make the yo-yo spool spin on the end of it's string or sleep.
Yo-yoists try to keep the spool sleeping while making shapes with the string and swinging the yo-yo around them.
What happens if the string is attached securely to the axle?
The spinning axle will grip the string and start rewinding it. The yo-yo will travel back up the string.
Why are yo-yos still popular in Greece until today?
The undefinable magic about taking an ordinary spool and with spool and with nothing but a flick of the wrist, turning it into an active, spinning top.