A concept formerly applied to domestic economy and expanded to apply to global relations
What is Social Darwinism?
An effort, for which no scientific tools exist, to grade races and ethnic groups based on their genetic qualities
What is Eugenics?
Had a 1917 revolution, withdrew from WW1
What is the Soviet Union?
Faced job losses, salary cuts, and some were deported even if they were citizens.
Who are Mexican Americans?
The result of animosity and prejudice towards the Japanese before/during WW2
Japanese internment camps
economic system brought to Hawaii by the American commercial economy
Plantation system
Legislation stating the right for citizens of the US to vote cannot be denied by the US or any state on account of gender.
What is the 19th amendment?
imposed a Naval blockade on Germany, preventing munition and supplies from reaching
What is Britain?
Environmental disaster in the 1930s caused by drought and bad agricultural practices which led to large dust storms
What is the Dust Bowl?
First important US victory against the Japanese, 4 Japanese carriers destroyed
What is Midway?
1875 agreement allowed for this Hawaiian export to enter the US duty-free
What is sugar?
The three C’s of the New Deal
What are Control of Corporation, Consumer Protection, & Conservation of Natural Resources?
Chinese province that both Russia and Japan wanted control of
What is Manchuria?
4 main causes of the Great Depression
overproduction, maldistribution of wealth, weak bank system, and decline in exports
the location and year of the attack on Pearl Harbor
What is Pearl Harbor Hawaii, @ the US Pacific Fleet, Dec 7, 1941?
captured territory in which the US built new infrastructure: schools, roads, bridges; established a public health system; and instituted political and economic change
What is the Philippines?
The three main reasons for women’s suffrage
What are Natural Rights, Equality, & Taxation?
New country formed with help from US intervention during the issue of building an Atlantic-Pacific canal
What is Panama?
This form of “pop culture” provided important information, entertainment, and fostered connection between the communities during the Great Depression.
What is the radio?
Government agency established to control inflation by regulating prices and rationing goods.
What is the Office of Price Administration?
caused the instability in Puerto Rico’s economy, boom bust structure
What is dependence on sugar plantations?
A politician, reformer, and the governor of Wisconsin - He led the Progressive movement and brought a lot of change to Wisconsin.
Who is Robert La Follete?
Country which the Taft and Wilson administrations had different relations with
What is Mexico?
A proclamation closing banks nationwide for four days in order for the federal government to discuss bank reform/ legislation
What is “Bank Holiday?”
Meeting held in 1945 to discuss the reorganization of Europe after WW2, especially the division of Germany and the Eastern European countries
What is Yalta?