Information Analytics
Marketing Optimization
Enterprise Content Management
Data Protection
Who is the target audience for Information Analytics
What is CIO, IT Analyst, IT Manager, or IT professional
What is the target audience for our Marketing Optimization solutions?
What is CMO, Marketers, Director of Marketing, Marketing Professionals
List 4 Products in our eDiscovery and Archiving portfolios
What is -HP eDiscovery -HP Legal Hold -HP Universal Search for Legal -HP Consolidated Archive -HP Digital Safe -HP Structured Data Manager -HP Supervisor
What kind of professionals are targeted for our ECM solutions?
What is CRO, Records Manager, Director of Records Management, RM professionals
List 3 benefits of our Data Protection solutions
What is: Get broad coverage and support for leading operating systems, storage arrays, and applications across physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructure. Secure data access through mobile devices: Give on-the-go mobile workers the seamless and secure access they need with mobile for Apple iPad and Android devices. Enhance compliance capabilities: Comply with legal, regulatory, and business guidelines with fully automated, policy-based data protection. Flexible deployment options: Choose a traditional on-premises, cloud-only, on-premises to cloud-extension, or a hybrid configuration that meet your unique business requirements. Increase information value: While seamlessly protecting your data, keep it available as a business asset—not simply locked away.
List 3 capabilities of IDOL
-Scalable, secure platform for forming a conceptual and contextual understanding of all content. -Flexible and precise approach to your data management needs. -Leverage all data in Hadoop by applying IDOL functions. -Ability to understand and analyze data to derive value from information and stay competitive. -Understand, analyze, and interpret the significance of information in day-to-day operations. -Provides intelligence for reducing errors and unnecessary treatments. -Monitor multiple broadcast streams for instant visibility of breaking stories. -Search data across entire enterprise. -Provide employees with all information they need to make sound business decisions.
List 3 Capabilities of our Marketing Optimization solutions
What is: Create engaging experiences: Understand, collect, and connect customer information from mobile devices, call centers, emails, chat, social media, and websites. Make content delivery simple: Use one interface to launch SEO campaigns, target landing pages, up-sell customers, and deploy sites for partners and distributors. Increase online conversions: Build and run multivariate tests from within your content authoring interface to improve customers’ online experiences and provide targeted recommendations and directed navigation. Make the most of search: Use advanced PPC bid optimization and optimized SEO keywords to make sure your page and content lead to the best natural search results. Turn Big Data into real-time insight: Get real-insight from virtually all customer data: contact center recordings, tweets, blog posts, online product reviews, CRM data, purchase history, web analytics, and more.
List 2 Capabilities of our eDiscovery solution
What is: Make sure data is systematically and defensibly placed on legal hold in accordance with preservation requirements. Strategically reduces the review process to quickly find what is relevant to a law suit Rapidly access, capture and analyze information across a broad range of repositories by leveraging HP IDOL technology. Limit handoffs between vendors and technologies with a single, secure, end-to-end solution and protect against accidental spoliation or security breaches.
List 2 uses for our ECM solutions
What is Lower cost: Realize savings by reducing information footprint, applying automated policies, and proactively preparing for litigation Manage risk: Inventory, understand and categorize data to ensure it is managed with uniform policies, optimally secured, and protected against accidental spoliation Increase productivity: Unify information silos and streamline processes for better collaboration and knowledge management Comply with regulations: Comply with government and industry requirements for managing records Achieve IT efficiency: Retire redundant, outdated and trivial content to modernize your infrastructure, lower your storage costs and optimize application performance
What kind of professionals need Data Protection solutions
What is IT Manager, CIO, IT Director Or anyone in IT. Just say IT. You get the points if you say IT. I swear if you didn't say IT i'm going to Pronq you in the face. Yea, looking at you Travis. ;)
Explain HP Universal Search
HP Universal Search- search data across the entire enterprise and produce results that are conceptually and contextually relevant.
What does HP Media Aggregation Services product help with?
What is Social Media Analytics
List 2 Capabilities of our Archiving solution
What is: HP Information Archiving Solutions help organizations centralize data from key information sources (e-mail, IM, social media, voice, video, and structured data) across the world and across the enterprise. Delivered as a cloud-based or enterprise-class software solution, the world’s largest data archiving provider (based on total data archived) helps customers proactively prepare for litigation, comply with wide-ranging industry regulations, dramatically lower IT storage costs, and break down information silos to deliver maximum value from archived data. HP’s archiving solutions are highly scalable and secure, archive a wide set of data types, and are supplemented by advanced classification, supervision, eDiscovery, and surveillance tools.
What does HP Supervisor do?
What is Monitor employee communication to meet compliance initiatives.
List all 3 Data Protection solutions
What is: HP Data Protector, HP Connected Backup, HP Livevault
List a challenge facing customers needing our IDOL solutions
What is Require use of social media channels to achieve business and operational outcomes. Needs knowledge management solution to dispersed employees to find information quickly. Lots of time wasted on duplicate work. Need to reduce the time searching for pertinent information.
List 3 challenges facing individuals looking at our Marketing Optimization solutions
What is -Unable to consistently convert prospects into customers through website marketing. -Unable to deliver essential sales and branding content to customers and partners. -High levels of digital photos and trademarks that require systematic filing. -Low levels of brand awareness. -Require a website that improves customer experience levels. -Call center employees require better training and assistance, as well as better oversight. -Need analytics across multiple channels. -Poorly performing search engine marketing campaigns. -Lack of understanding of customer and stakeholder sentiment. -Require an enhanced understanding of social media analytics.
List 3 Challenges facing eDiscovery customers
What is: Need to be able to quickly respond to litigation Need to reduce the mass amounts of data to only what is relevant Need to have one system to deal with the entire eDiscovery process Unable to rapidly access information across all data points Unable to rely on current solution to process all potentially relevant information, structured and unstructured, inside and outside the enterprise.
List 4 challenges facing ECM customers
What is: Lack of integrated test management across the business increases cost and time of testing Manual preparation of reports is time consuming Requirements traceability is siloed and time consuming Tests are hard to reuse across testing cycles, raising regression testing costs Lack of communication increases defect remediation time Enterprise release management is labor intensive and costly Accessing third party pay-per-use services for testing is costly Lack of efficient test management raises the risk of missing time-to-market opportunities Absence of centralized testing leads to inefficient performance and quality testing
List 4 challenges facing Data Protection Customers
What is Need a proactive Back Up and Recovery system Need a Disaster Recovery system that will also enhance compliance. Have trouble with securing data through mobile devices. Need a system that will control back up across cloud and on-premise systems. Have trouble quickly recovering critical applications such as databases, messaging platforms, and enterprise platforms.
Explain the Mannheimer Swarting case
Challenges: Provide a Knowledge Management solution to its geographically dispersed lawyers to enable them to find the right information quickly and easily across all of the firm’s data repositories and systems. Benefits: Enables Mannheimer Swartling’s globally dispersed lawyers to quickly and easily find the right information thus improving productivity and the consistency of work products.
Explain the Russell Case
What is: Objective: To create a comprehensive system for delivering essential sales and branding content to investment advisors and partners. Approach: Deployed an integrated content management system (CMS) that enabled the firm to quickly create extranet channels and deliver content over multiple websites (corporate, global, intranet). IT matters: The HP TeamSite CMS platform from HP Autonomy is in use enterprise wide. Global templates allow for accelerated rollout of new sites, including partner extranets. Templating and HP OpenDeploy allow componentization and content syndication. Business matters: Russell is now better able to capture the mindshare of the partner firms’ advisors, making them more effective in selling Russell funds. Content syndication extends a competitive advantage by pushing content to agents’ personalized sites.
Explain the Morgan Stanley case
What is Objective: To derive value from their information, as well as comply with regulatory needs around firm communication Solution: Implementation of HP Autonomy’s archiving and supervision solution across the entire organization to archive, manage and monitor information assets in a private cloud. Key outcomes: Achieved a global archiving platform for 80,000+ employees and contractors, with supervision capabilities enabled for 35,000. They also implemented an end-user access module to eliminate the need for a secondary operational email archive. Retiring this system released 47 data center racks in 4 regions, resulting in substantial savings.
Explain the Clearwater Capital case
What is: Challenges: Poor network performance made it difficult to leverage information assets across the globally distributed organization. Inconsistent, ad hoc profiling made content difficult to find. Large volumes of unmanaged email content caused email overload, undermined centralized management, and increased risky. Benefits: Remote access and caching capabilities enable professionals to benefit from centralized firm knowledge while avoiding excessive latency. Automated profiling improves search and navigation for efficient access. WorkSite Communication Server and Outlook integration give users an easy way to distribute and correctly file email-based content within the familiar flow of work.
Explain the State of Oregon case
What is: Objective: Leverage technology to enable transparent, efficient records management with lowered risk and costs for all public entities throughout the State of Oregon. Implement Solution as a Service, enabling rapid deployment and use at an affordable cost. Approach: Implement HP TRIM in the cloud as part of a Solution as a Service deployment to make access to government records easier, more transparent, and affordable. Benefits: Enabled city, county, and state agencies using ORMS with HP TRIM to manage more than one million documents during the pilot. Moved files from disparate storage approaches including software programs, microfilm/microfiche, and paper into the HP TRIM electronic records management