Race Social Justice
This school lunch can be found in what nation?
The United States
This movie was the highest grossing film in 2019
What is Avengers Endgame?
He founded SHA in 1939
Who is Jesse Epstein?
The majority of adults have this many permanent teeth
Human Resource Information System
Orzo, grape leaves, yogurt are school lunch foods typical of which nation?
What is Greece?
This film trilogy was nominated for 17 academy awards
What is the lord of the Rings?
What does the pincode 26721 open?
Single occupancy bathrooms on first floor
She was the first animal to be cloned
Dolly the Sheep
Washington State Housing Finance Commission
Crepes, soup, and beets are a school lunch that is typical to which nation?
What is Finland?
Based on the original Dutch version, this reality TV features competitors from the 'gaming world' and celebrities from Bravo.
What is The Traitors US?
This institution now occupies the Seattle PI’s old headquarters on 6th and Wall Street
What is the City University of Seattle
What is Pompeii?
Seattle Senior Housing Program
Fish, rice, and soup are foods typical to which nation's school lunch?
What is Japan?
This musical *Superstar* sang a song for Dionne Warwick about furnituire and homes.
Who is Luther Vandross?
SHA's ___ status allows flexibility in spending federal dollars by allowing exemptions to some PHA and voucher rules.
What is MTW- Move to Work
Anna, Elsa Kristoff and Olaf are all characters in this animated movie
What is Frozen?
Housing Assistance Payment
Egusi, rice, boiled egg are typical of which nations school lunch?
What is Ghana?
To Kill a Mockingbird
This SHA division is comprised of the following teams: utilities and contracts, inspections, solid waste, and fleet
What is Environmental Stewardship?
A regulation baseball weighs this much.
5-5.25 oz or 142-149g