This company handles our medical coverage for Full Time and soon to cover Part Time employees as well.
What is United Health Care?
An associate forgot to punch back in from lunch today. They realize later of their mistake. The associate should leave this for a super user.
What is a declined punch?
Time off Requests should be submitted this many days in advance.
What is 30 days?
A new regular FT/PT associate will start to accrue vacation pay after this many days?
What is 180 days?
This is the day of the week that schedules are posted.
What is Wednesday?
This company handles our dental claims for Full Time employees.
What is Cigna?
A FT associate gets sick 2 hours into their shift and needs to go home sick. They notify the MOD and would like to use sick pay. The associate should do this to ensure they get paid.
What is leave a declined punch the followig day?
An associate is allowed to punch in this many minutes in advance of their scheduled shift before it flags as an Early punch.
What is 9 minutes?
A new FT/PT associate will start to accrue Holiday pay after this many days.
What is 90 days?
Department edits must be completed by this day of the week for review by the HRM/SM.
What is Monday?
This company handles vision benefits for both Full Time and Part Time employees.
What is Vision Service Plan (VSP)?
A Part Time associate gets sick 2 hours into their shift and notifies the MOD that they need to go home. They are only scheduled for 20 hours that week and cannot afford to lose the hours and would like sick pay. The associate needs to do this.
What is speak with the HRM and request to use HOL/VAC time?
Department Managers and ASM's have access to view the schedules of these departments.
What is all of them?
This door should be used to enter the building. This door should be used to exit the building.
What is main entrance. What is main exit.
An employee notices that they were scheduled outside of their availability. They need to notify this person as soon as possible.
Who is their ASM?
The amount an employee pays out of pocket for their annual physical. (FT and PT)
What is zero?
A Sales Specialist had to stay an additional 30 minutes after their schedule shift to finish a large sale with a customer. The associate should do this to ensure they do not accrue overtime at the end of the week.
What is partner with their ASM to adjust a shift on a different day to cut OT?
This report will tell managers who is Approaching Overtime for the current week.
What is Approaching OT Report?
An associate has a workplace question or concern that they would like to bring to managers attention. They should follow this policy.
What is the Open Door Policy?
This is how many consecutive days an associate is allowed to take off of work, including their regular days off.
What is 9 days?
An employee is recently promoted from a Seasonal employee to a regular PT/FT CSA. The associate has this many days to enroll in benefits.
What is 30 days?
Your ASM is on vacation and asks you to do the schedule edits and turn them in to another ASM to be keyed in Kronos. Part Time Employees should be scheduled within this hours range.
What is 10-25 hours?
An associate submits a new Employee Profile Form (Availability Sheet) for approval. If approved, it will take affect during this week.
What is the next schedule shell that drops? (3-4 weeks out)
This is the last day an associate has to take their vacation days before they lose them.
What is the last day of the fiscal year?
An associate needs to take Friday off for an emergency doctors appointment. They asked another associate in their department to switch with them or take their hours. They need to notify this person for approval.
Who is their ASM?