FMLA Leaves
WA State Laws
2024 Recap

This is what FMLA stands for.

What is the Family and Medical Leave Act?


This is the rate that OT is calculated at.

What is time and a half?

This is what it is called when you correct an action or comment that isn't inline with our values.

What is an on the spot values correction? 


Name one type of Harassment. 

What is: 

Verbal, Physical, Visual, Sexual, Psychological, Cyberbullying, Power. 


ADA Stands for This

What is American's with Disabilities Act?


This is the amount of time an employee is allowed to take of FMLA in a 12 month period. 

What is 12 weeks?

Note, a military caregiver is eligible for up to 26 weeks. 


True or false, employees are not required to take a meal break?

What is true? 

Employees can wave their meal break but an employer cannot make that decision on their behalf. 


This is the definition of Psychological Safety.

What is 

Psychological safety is a belief that one will not be humiliated, rejected, or penalized for speaking up, making mistakes, or sharing ideas in a group or workplace. It fosters an environment of trust and open communication.


These are the 4 responsibilities of managers in harassment situations. 

What are: 

1.Immediate Acknowledgement

2.Confirm the non retaliation policy.

3.Inform the HR Team

A.HR Team will investigate

4.After the investigation, check in with your employee and follow up.


This is the difference between PFML and FMLA. 

What is FMLA is a federal program that gives an employee the job protected time off while PFML is a Washington State program that pays the employee for their time off.


This is the number of calendar days of continued incapacity that is required for most FMLA leaves.

What is 3 days?


This is how many hours of Sick Leave an employee would accrue working 80 hours. 

What is 2 hours? 

What was important about the band of brothers clip that was shown at the previous Manager Offsite? 

CK decides if the answer is acceptable! 


In what Watson policy is Harassment and our process to address it stated?

What is our respect and tolerance policy? 

Name something that would be found in a manager file.

What is coaching conversations, delegations, and employee goals? 


Name 4 of the reasons an employee would be eligible to take FMLA. 

What are: 

  • Pregnancy or to bond with a new child (birth, adoption or foster placement).
  • For an employee's own serious health condition.
  • To care for a covered family member with a serious health condition.
  • For a qualifying exigency related to covered active military duty.
  • To provide care to an injured covered service member.

If an employee works over this number of hours we are required to offer a 30 minute unpaid meal break.

What is 5 hours?


Name the different levels of the servant leadership triangle in order. 

What is: 

From top to bottom: Customers, Employees, Management, Leader? 


This is the policy that managers need to ensure they make their employee aware of at the time they report harassment. 

What is the non retaliation policy?


This is a condition that may be covered with ADA. 

What is Depression, Diabetes, cancer, etc?  


A part time employee who has worked with the company for over a year has requested FMLA. How many hours do they need to have worked in the past year to be eligible for FMLA?

What is Work Hours: at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months preceding the start of the FMLA leave. This averages out to about 24 hours per week over the course of the year. 


This is what it means to be an at will state. 

What is an employee can choose to leave at any time for any reason and an employer can choose to terminate at any time for any reason except those that are protected? 


All teams answer! Describe what servant leadership in the context of Watson means to you. 

All teams share what they wrote. 


All teams answer! This is an example of psychological harassment.

Please read your answer out to the room. 


Situational Question! Discuss with your team for 5 minutes. 

A long-term employee has recently developed a medical condition that requires intermittent time off for treatment. The employee has not been able to perform some essential job functions consistently, but their doctor has provided documentation that they can return to work with reasonable accommodations. The employee is requesting time off as needed for medical appointments and recovery. As a manager, how would you determine whether this situation should be handled under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for accommodations or the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for time off, and what steps would you take to ensure compliance with the applicable law?

Please explain your reasoning. 
