This process helps integrate new hires into a company, making them feel welcomed and prepared for their role.
What is Greg's last name?
Ali's favorite sweet treat
Dark Chocolate
How many people are on the HR team?
Where can you get more printer paper for the office printer?
The service center
What is "at-will employment"?
This is the legal term for when an employee is terminated for cause and not entitled to unemployment benefits.
How many kids does Bethany have?
How many pets does Emily have?
None. Trick question
What is IHFA's main website called? (Hint: I want the name of the link like "")
This 2004 animated film about a robot takes place on a deserted Earth.
What is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?
This federal law requires employers to pay a minimum wage and overtime to eligible employees.
Lexi's favorite hobby (double points if you can name her favorite drink as well)
Cooking and Diet Coke
Where can you find Shawn frequently most weekends?
When is the next "The Noticer" meeting?
Next week! (February 12th)
Who's birthday (on the team) is next Monday?
Who is our current Workers' Comp Provider?
What is Lalelei's favorite treat?
Dark Chocolate
Who on the team broke their tooth on a lawn mower?
Katie P.!
When was IHFA founded?
This director is famous for his work on "Jaws," "E.T.," and "Jurassic Park."
Steven Spielberg
The name of the federal law that requires employers to keep employee wages confidential.
What is the Equal Pay Act?
What was Will's dream job as a kid?
To be a game show host!!
What year did Katie S. move to Boise?
Name everyone on the team without looking around!
Shawn, Katie S. , Will, Natalie, Katie P., Emily, George, Lalelei, Lexi, Bethany, Rylee.
Who is leading our team meeting for next week?
George and Katie P. are conducting The Noticer meeting!