Training & Development
Talent Management Programs
Performance Management
Change Management
Employee Retention

The acquisition of specific skills or knowledge so that employees respond the same way to a given situation or task.

What is training?


The timeframe of this process ranges from offer acceptance through full position integration.

What is onboarding?


These are acronyms that help us remember the necessary components of effective goal setting.

What is SMART and/or SMARTER?


This role acts as a catalyst and champion for change.

What is the Change Agent Role?


Job Design, Compensation/Benefits, Flexible Schedule, Recognition, and Stay Interviews are all strategies that impact this.

What is Employee Retention?


Hands on, experience, and practice are all associated with this type of learning style.

What is kinesthetic?


This event includes tasks like completing paperwork, office tours, and training.

What is orientation?

This potential performance rating error occurs when a negative characteristic overshadows other characteristics.

What is Horn Effect?


Allowing groups of people to participate in the change process by discussing issues, recommending creative ideas and implementing the change refers to this method to overcoming resistance to change.

What is Peer Group Influence?


When an employee's exit had a negative impact on the organization, it is referred to as this type of employee turnover.

What is Regrettable turnover?


This is the type of off-the-job training happens off-site or in an area away from the job environment.

What is vestibule training?


In career pathing, this is an alternative pathway to the career ladder with only one path up in the organization.

What is a career lattice?


This type of ranking method compares every employee to every other employee and involves a large number of comparisons.

What is the Paired Comparison ranking method?


Explaining the need for change, what will happen, and how it will affect each person describes the activities that occur using this method to overcome resistance to change.

What is Education and Communication?


This is the proportion of employees who remained employed during the entire period being analyzed.

What is the Retention Rate?


Theater, classroom, banquet, chevron, conference, and U-Shaped are all styles of this.

What are seating arrangements?


This occurs when the probability of a person moving up the organizational ladder is low.

What is a career plateau?


This performance evaluation error occurs when there are differences in ratings between raters.

What is Inter-rater Reliability Error?


Incentives and Coercion are 2 approaches that describe this method to overcoming resistance to change.

What is Reinforcement?


The monthly turnover rate is calculated by dividing the number of separations during the month by this figure and then multiplying by 100.

What is the average number of employees on payroll?


These are the 2 phases that start with the letter "D" in the ADDIE model of training.

What are Design and Develop?


Managing your professional identity, training and professional development, and networking and volunteer positions are examples of this type of training.

What is employability training?


This performance management technique includes documenting the gap between actual and expected performance, creating an action plan, and including specific periodic check-ins.

What is the Performance Improvement Plan?


Data Gathering, Feedback of Data to Target Group, Data Discussion and Diagnosis, Action Planning, Action, and Recycling are the 6 steps of this useful model to approach most organizational change activities.

What is the Action Research Model?


These are the 2 variables most significantly related to turnover.

What are Job Dissatisfaction and Economic Conditions?
