Umbrella term representing many different religious branches
Gospels translates to
Good News
Issued the Edict of Milan
the 3 Protestant branches
Lutheran, Calvinism, Anglican
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A main idea/belief of Christianity
One God, Salvation, Resurrection, Crucifixion, etc.
The TWO creeds
Nicene and Apostles
Edict of Milan
The edict declared that Christians were free to worship without interference.
How/why did Lutheranism start
Martin Luther wanted to divorce his wife. It started through his criticisms of the Catholic faith (95 Theses)
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Largest branch of Christianity
Roman Catholic
Name any 1 of the Foundational Stones
1. Keeping Alive the Memory of Jesus
2. Professing the One Faith (creeds)
3. The Ministers of the Church
4. Ecumenical Councils
Another word for "Bishop of Rome"
Their idea is to turn back to the basics or the “fundamentals” of the Christian faith
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Christianity's largest branches?
Roman Catholic Greek Orthodox, Protestant
1 difference of the two creeds
Nicene creed is More in depth and More of a “Profession of Faith”
What is the Schism of the Church? What were the 2 resulting divisions
A divide in the Church, that created two separate religious bodies. Western Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Christian Church.
Anticipate a second coming of Christ and Big emphasis on the power of the Holy Spirit
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Ichthus translates to
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Our Saviour
Ecumenical Council
bring together bishops of all churches to discuss and try to reconcile differences within Christianity.
The 2 Main reasons for the Schism. Be Specific.
Creed and Icons
De-emphasizes official church membership and formal creeds. Instead, your are expected to spread the Gospel through missionary activity
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