Job Analysis
Performance Management
Recruitment & Selection
Training & Development

What information is collected during job analysis?

Work activities, human behaviours, machines, tools, performance standards, job context, human requirements


Performance appraisal vs. performance management

Performance management is a continuous process of identifying, measuring, and developing performance and aligning performance with the strategic goals. Performance appraisal is the depiction of the strengths and weaknesses of employees in a non-continuous manner, typically just once a year.


List three outside sources of candidates

careers section, online job boards, headhunters, print ads, social media, employee referral campaigns, campus recruitment, competitors, temporary workers, employment exchanges


Three benefits of training programs

improves performance, supports retention, increases job satisfaction, decreases errors, increases flexibility


State three out of the nine lies about work (Buckingham & Goodall, 2019)

People care which team they're on, The best intelligence wins, The best companies cascade meaning, The best people are spiky, People need attention, People can reliably rate their own experience, People have momentum, Love-in-work matters most, We all follow spikes


Why is job analysis important?

Job analysis is important because it supports recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, compensation and training


Three ways to set effective goals

Goals must be derived from the company’s overall goals; personally meaningful; SMART; challenging yet attainable


List four recruitment indices

cost per hire, offer acceptance rate, response time, time to fill, quality of hire, time to start


Explain the purpose of employee orientation

New employees should feel welcome and at ease. New employees should understand the organization in a broad sense including its past, present, culture, and vision for the future. They should be clear about what is expected in terms of work and behavior.


Tools for forecasting personnel needs

trend analysis, ratio analysis, scatter plot, managerial judgment


What is the difference between a job specification and a job description?

Job description - TDRs

Job specification - KSAOs


Three methods of evaluating performance 

Simple ranking, forced distribution, paired comparison, graphic rating scale, mixed standard scale, critical incident method, BARS, outcomes measures, MBO


Outline three ways to measure reliability

Test-retest reliability estimates, Equivalent or alternate form estimate, Internal consistency estimate


Outline the five steps in a training program

Needs analysis, Instructional design, Validation, Implementation, Evaluation


Five options for reducing a surplus

Downsizing, Pay reduction, Demotions, Transfer, Work sharing, Hiring freeze, Natural attrition, Early retirement, Retraining


What is the Dunning Kruger effect?

People with limited knowledge or competence in a given domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain


Three effective performance management strategies

Use behavior-based measures, Provide ongoing feedback, Use multiple raters, Train the raters” training program


List five interviewer biases

Affinity bias, confirmation bias, contrast effect, halo effect / horn effect, stereotyping


Five training methods

lectures, case studies, workshops, simulated training, behaviour modelling, e-learning, role plays, coaching


Five options for avoiding a shortage

Overtime, Temporary employees, Outsourcing, Retrained transfers, Turnover reductions, New external hires, Technological innovation

What are the 5 dimensions of the Job Characteristics Model? 

Skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback


How did Deloitte finish the idiosyncratic effect?

Asked team leaders what they would do with each team member, rather than what they think of that individual. 


List five selection tools 

Cognitive ability tests, job knowledge test, personality tests, structured interviews, situational judgement tests, work sample tests, assessment centers, physical ability tests


Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation

Reaction, evaluating learning, evaluating behaviour, evaluating results

Five culture principles at Netflix

Hire, Reward, And Tolerate Only Fully Formed Adults; Tell the Truth About Performance; Don’t treat employees like family; Let hardworking people go if their skills are no longer a fit; pay top of the market; context, not control; freedom and responsibility
