1. Name any three components of a work situation in the office. (Chap 2)

Answer: The three components of a work situation are:

  1. Work (actual task to be done), 

  2. Worker(the person who does the task) and the 

Workplace (the place for doing the task, tools and equipment required and the storage space for them).


Write four reasons to teach ethics and values to youth.

Answer:  Ethics and values should be taught in school and colleges. 


  1. Starting from an early age also means developing values as habits. And you know that habits are difficult to get rid of.

  2. Today, with cutthroat competition, multiple challenges and a fast changing environment, it is important that everyone should be well trained and efficient.

  3. Also, we can perform better and rise in our lives. Following a code of ethics to improve our personal and professional life.

  4. We will be able to develop as disciplined citizens and build our nation


Importance of Meal Planning

Meal planning is important for meeting the nutritional requirements of the

family members. It is our  ‘daily food guide’.

Meal planning helps us to:

  • Fulfill the nutritional requirements of the family members

  • Make the food economical

  • Cater to the food preferences of individual members

  • Save energy, time and money

  • Use leftover food


Factors Affecting Meal Planning

Chap 5 


Explain the principles of food preservation 

1. By killing the micro-organisms  

  • Heat is applied for a shorter duration. E.g. Pasteurizing milk.

  • Cooking keeps food free from microorganisms.

  • In canning, (sealing in tins) food is heated to high temperature 

2. Preventing or delaying the action of microorganisms 

Micro-organisms need air and water to grow. If these are removed, you can prevent the action of microorganisms and ensure that food does not get spoilt.


  • Peeled apple spoils faster than one with skin because the skin of the apple serves as a protective covering that prevents the entry of microorganisms. 

  • The shell of nuts and eggs, skin of fruits and vegetables serve as a protective coating and delays the action of microorganisms.

  • Food packed in polythene bags and aluminium foils are also protected against microorganisms. 

  • Frozen food can be kept for a longer time than fresh food. This is because microorganisms cannot act at low temperatures. 

  • Certain chemicals like sodium benzoate and potassium metabisulphite also help in preventing the growth of microorganisms. These chemicals are called ‘preservatives’.

  3. By stopping the action of enzymes

  • Enzymes cause food spoilage. They are naturally present in food.

  • Enzyme action can be prevented by giving a mild heat treatment. 

Example: Before canning or freezing, vegetables are dipped in hot water or exposed to steam for a few minutes. This is known as blanching.

Example: When you heat milk, you are not only killing microorganisms present in it but also stopping the action of enzymes. 

  • This extends its shelf life.


Characteristics of a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet contains both plant and animal foods and fulfills the requirements:

  • Meets the nutritional requirements of an individual

  • Includes foods from all the food groups

  • Contains a variety of foods

  • Consists of seasonal foods

  • Is economical

  • Suits the taste and meets the desires of the individual eating it


What is Nutritional status?

The condition of health of a person that is influenced by the intake and utilization of nutrients is called nutritional status.


Define the terms:

a) Work center

b) Dead storage

Ans 1. 

Work center 

  • The area specified for an activity is known as the work area or work centre. 

  • Workcentre does not imply to provide a separate room for every activity.

Dead storage

Things used occasionally, may be stored at a height above normal reach are called dead storage.


In what four ways can the family members help in supplementing their income?

Ans: 4 Ways a family members help in supplementing their income are:

  • Adopt any income generating activity: Any activity which helps in bringing in some extra money is called an income generating activity. Example, Making and selling homemade pickles and jams. 

  • Take up a part time job:  Jobs for a limited period of time are called part time jobs. They bring a lesser amount of money as compared to the regular full time jobs. 

  • Invest savings to earn interest: By investing money in a way one earns interest on it which can be added to the monthly income.

  • Cutting some expenditure on items like entertainment, going on holidays; doing your cleaning, washing and ironing yourself are some of the ways of saving expenditure. 


Enumerate three ways in which solar energy can be used in homes.

Ans 1. Three ways in which solar energy can be used in homes are:

  1. Solar cooker: This is a shallow, square box with black sides and bottom and a glass top. When the black bottom is hit by sunlight passing through the glass top, it gets heated up. When food is kept inside the box, it gets cooked by this heat.

  1. Solar heating: Heat energy from the sun is being used in various ways.  It is used to Heat water for bathing purposes in homes, hotels and hostels.

Solar lighting Ordinary daylight is transformed to electrical energy with the help of solar cells that used to create lighting. 


 Explain three conditions on the basis of which a product is declared eco-friendly.

Ans 1.  The three conditions on the basis of which a product is declared eco friendly are:

  1. Production: If the manufacturer follows all the safety and preventive measures during production and takes care of waste products, like treating the sewage and industrial wastes before letting them in the water or air then such products are called ‘eco-friendly’. 

  1. Use: If the product does not harm the environment by giving out poisonous gasses or wastes while using, it is eco-friendly. 

  1. Disposal: The packaging and leftovers of a product should be such that they are either biodegradable or can be recycled.


. Illustrate how industries are a major cause of environmental degradation.

Ans 2. 

  • Industries are a major cause of environmental degradation because as the population increases the technology increases as well. 

  • They are produced in industries which generate toxic chemical wastes, harmful gasses and radioactive pollutants during their manufacturing process. 

  • These pollutants kill all forms of life in air, water and land. 

  • The smoke generated by the industries, mines, automobiles and airplanes leads to the depletion of the ozone layer.


 Suggest four ways to save your energy while working in the kitchen.

 Four ways to save energy while working in the kitchen are:

  1. Dishwasher - Instead of manually washing the dishes, the dishwasher can wash the dishes.

  1. Pressure Cooker - Pressure cooker cooks food faster, hence saves time & energy because less fuel is consumed.

  1. Sharp Knife - It cuts vegetables easily hence it is faster and saves energy. As a blunt knife would be very frustrating to use.

  1. Utensils - Iron utensils are very difficult to clean stainless utensils are very easy to clean.


Give two characteristics each of a brand label, descriptive label and certification label.

Ans. The characteristics of each of the labels are:

Brand label: It is a label which gives a brand name of the product. It can be an Emblem, picture or name by which we may identify the product.

Descriptive label:  It is a label that gives characteristics of the product such as product name, size, content, use and precautions.  

Certification label: It is a label that claims approval of some agency other than the producer to clarify that the product meets certain accepted standards. For example, ‘Woolmark’ is used for pure wool products. 


Explain any two behavioural disorders that generally occur during adolescence?

Ans 1.   Two behavioural disorders the generally occur during adolescents are:

  1. Eating disorders

    1. Some adolescents may feel that they are becoming too fat and may stop eating required quantities of food.

    2. Others may think that nobody loves them and in order to get attention they start overeating and grow fat. 

  1. Suicidal tenden

    1. Many adolescents are unable to form friendships/peer groups. They do not trust their parents either. 

    2. In such situations, they might feel very lonely and think nobody loves them. This can lead to suicidal tendencies.


Q1. How can parents prevent delinquency in their children?

Ans. Parents can prevent delinquency by:

  • Spending time with their children, 

  • Discussing their problems and patching up their differences

  • Enable them to develop good habits and sound values.

  • Provide recreational facilities    


Differentiate between the influence of very strict and very indifferent parenting styles adopted by parents

  • Indifferent parenting style is characterized by parents who leave their adolescents alone with their problems and do not interact with them. 

  • A very strict parent is one who plays an authority role, that is, one who will not let the adolescent make any decision on her own, seriously hindering her ability to be independent.


Which weave gives a shiny surface to the fabric and why? Write one disadvantage of such a weave.

Satin weave gives a shiny surface to the fabric. 

One disadvantage of satin weave is that the long floats that snag easily therefore satin weave is not as strong as plain or twill weave.


Why should consumers check the labels before buying garments?

  • Labels are attached to a garment which gives information about the garment.

  • A label can tell you what the garment is, who has manufactured it and how to use it. 

  • Labels on the fabrics and garments respectively aids consumers by giving an idea about the quality of the product. 

  • Hence you can call them quality indicators. 


  Which two features each will you check while selecting clothes for

1. Infants : 

  • Clothes should be soft and light as babies have tender and delicate skin.

  • They should be easy to maintain.

2. School going children: 

  • Children of this age group are in the growing stage. They like to run about and play and are very active. Hence, their clothes must be made of strong and durable fabrics which can take a lot of wear and tear.

  • Do take care to see that there is adequate cloth inside the seams which can be opened up to fit rapidly growing children.

3. Adolescents : 

  • Adolescent are very conscious about clothes and want to wear the ‘latest’ styles. 

  • They like to have variety in their clothes because they do not want to repeat the same dress every day.

  • It is advisable to select clothes which they can mix and match so that they can achieve variety with few clothes

4. Elderly: 

  • The clothes they wear must be loose and comfortable rather than fashionable. 

  • Clothes can have front openings that are easy to see and manipulate and large buttons and buttonholes.


How can lipstick and tea stain be removed from a white cotton shirt?


  • We can remove lipstick stains from white cotton shirts by scraping out all excess stains and rubbing gently with spirit or kerosene. 

  • For removing tea stains from a white shirt by pouring boiling water  on the stain and adding 1⁄2 teaspoon of borax).


What do you understand by syndet? State any three advantages of using it.

Ans. A syndet is a cleanser produced synthetically from chemicals. 

The advantages of using it are: 

  1. Syndets act even more readily than soaps in water

  2. Syndets are soluble in both cold and hot water.

  3. Syndets have a good cleansing action even with hard water

  4. Syndets have blues and optical brightness already added to them.


How will you remove a suspected tea stain from a colored cotton shirt?


  • For a colored shirt, wash the tea stain in hot water with detergent. 

  • In case the stain is old, dip the cloth glycerin for some time then wash it in hot water.


Describe the cleaning and maintenance of a silver article

Ans. Below are the steps to be followed for cleaning and maintenance of a silver article : 

  • Wash with warm, soapy water immediately after use. 

  • Protect from getting tarnished by covering them individually with tissue paper. 

  • Scrub lengthwise with a soft cloth. 

  • Remove any tea stains by using 2 tablespoons of soda and boiling hot water. Rub decorative articles with ‘Silvo’ (a polish available in the market).


Suggest two ways of hanging paintings.

Ans. The two ways of hanging paintings are:

(i) Hang paintings according to their size and space available i.e., big paintings on a big wall and vice versa. Alternatively, a group of small paintings can also be hung together. These can be hung in such a way that they all fit in an imaginary square or a rectangle. 

(ii) Paintings can be enhanced by putting spotlights that fall directly on the paintings. 

(iii) Hang all paintings straight and even, not lopsided.
