Animal vs Human Communication

According to Carol Dweck's Mindset Theory, there is ________ mindset which asserts that we can keep improving, growing, and developing and that failure is an opportunity for learning.  _______ mindset assumes abilities are predetermined and innate and we should give up if we are not naturally good at something.




According to Piaget, a child's language develops predictably within each of the 4 __________ of __________ development.

stages; cognitive


The four functions of animal communication are:






In Behaviorism, _______ conditioning is pairing two or more stimuli together to create conditioned responses.  ______ conditioning is reinforcing behaviors to increase them or punishing behaviors to decrease them.




According to Lev Vygotsky, development is influenced by ___________________________.

- the presence and influence of more knowledgable others (Zone of Proximal Development)

- cultural, social, and linguistic influences

- how a child applies what they have learned in unique ways (appropriation)

- scaffolding (ex: training wheels on a bike)


Unlike Piaget, the claim of Benjamin Lee Whorf and Edward Sapir is that language is primary in influencing thought.  This is called __________. The stronger version of this, that language determines thought, is called __________.

linguistic relativism

linguistic determinism


Three properties of human communication not found in the animal kingdom are __________, __________, and __________.

Planning Ahead / Discussing Future Events

Productivity (ability to create endless new combinations of words)

Multiple Channels (the ability to communicate using speech, writing, reading, texting, body language, etc.)


Bandura's ______________ theory is based on the principle of _________ learning.

Social Cognitive Learning



Briefly describe each of Piaget's 4 stages of cognitive development and the ages when they occur.

Sensorimotor (0-2 years old): Children learn about their environment through the 5 senses, object permanence is learned, simple language emerges.

Preoperational (2-7 years old): Children develop complex language abilities and by the end of this period overcome egocentricity, and learn to conserve.

Concrete operational (7-12 years old): Children's thinking becomes logical and they are able to solve tangible problems and follow instructions. Empathy develops.

Formal operational (12 years and up): Children become capable of higher-order thinking; theorizing and solving abstract problems. Intense self consciousness and social awareness emerges.

According to Noam Chomsky's Universal Grammar Theory, language is ______________ and children are born with a _____________________ device that enables them to learn any language automatically before the end of the ________ period.


language acquisition



Paul Ekman identified 7 universal facial expressions that correspond to 7 basic human emotions.  These emotions are:

anger, sorrow, surprise, happiness, contempt, fear, and disgust


According to Bandura, the four principles of learning are:


Retention (memory)

Motor Reproduction (imitating a behavior)

Vicarious Reinforcement 


Howard Gardner, in his Theory of Multiple Intelligences, identified 8 kinds of abilities.  They are:

Musical Intelligence

Naturalist Intelligence

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

Interpersonal Intelligence

Mathematical Intelligence

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Spatial Intelligence

Kinesthetic Intelligence 


What are 3 pieces of evidence that support Sapir-Whorf's Linguistic Relativism?

- Gendered language influences how objects are perceived (Sun / Moon = Masculine/Feminine are opposite in Spanish and German).

- Remote tribes that use cardinal directions in everyday speech are much better at orienting themselves.

- Remote tribes that have limited language for number have difficulty making calculations (despite extreme intelligence in other areas).


Based on the pioneering research of Austrian ethologist, Karl Von Frisch, we know a lot about how bees communication the location of food. Write what you know here:

- Bees use round dances and waggle dances to communicate to their hive about the distance to food sources.

- Bees have an internal solar compass which allows them to orient themselves in relationship to the sun.

- Bees dance up and down to communicate the direction towards (up) or away (down) from the sun.


What is one strength and one limitation of Behaviorism?

Strengths: Based on observable behavior, empirical, reliable (replicable) methods, scientific

Limitations: Reductionist; Deterministic; Largely ignores internal processes (cognition, memory, critical thinking, emotion, decision-making, etc)


What are the key milestones of biological development? Try to write at least 5 bullet points:

(answers may vary)

- Moment of conception

- Birth

- Dendritic Branching (3-6 years old)

- Puberty/sexual maturity (10-15 years old)

- Full development of prefrontal cortex (21-25 years old)


To what extent is language development innate (nature) or the the product of environmental influences (nurture)?

(Answers May Vary)

Language is innate: babies are born smiling and making eye contact; before the end of the critical period children can learn any language they are exposed to fluently; Ekman discovered that emotion/facial expressions are universal which probably suggests language is to.

Language is environmental: children not exposed to language do not learn language; social stimuli are necessary for linguistic development; emotion may be innate and universal but all languages are different.


What are the 4 zones of personal space and what distances do they correspond to?  Who should be in each zone?

Public Zone: 4 meters or larger (strangers)

Social Zone: 1.5-2 meters. (classmates, teachers)

Personal Zone: 1-1.5 meters (good friends)

Intimate Zone: 0.5 meters or closer (family, pets, partners)


__________________ is a term used by Bandura to describe the interpenetrating and overlapping influences of 1. Internal processes (genes, cognition, etc.) 2.Environment 3.Observable behavior

Triadic Reciprocal Determinism
