This unsuccessfully hockey player with a anger issue discovered his talent at golf?
Adam Sandler, happy Gilmore
Which state successfully rebelled against Mexico and was later annexed by the United States in the 19th century?
How many wives did King Henry VIII have?
Which city in Italy was decimated when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD?
Which famous document from the American Revolution is quoted saying “we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal”?
The Declaration of Independence
After having issues with Emus eating his crops, a Australia farmer goes to the Australian government to go to war with the Emus
Real History, emu war
The Louisiana Purchase was made between the United States and which country?
What famous palace is located in France, just 16 kilometres from Paris?
Which Southeastern European country with ancient history is technically named the Hellenic Republic?
Fidel Castro was the name of the revolutionary leader and dictator for which country?
A water boy on a successful collage football team earns his way onto the team after beating up one of the star players
Adam Sandler, water boy
What was the name of the American battleship whose sinking sparked the Spanish-American War?
USS Maine
Who is was the longest reigning monarch in British history?
Queen Elizabeth II, reigning over 70 years!
Around 3000 BC was the first known use of what paper-like material by the Egyptians?
What was the name of the last Russian royal family, murdered by Bolshevik revolutionaries in 1918?
The Romanovs
The pet parrot of a U.S. president who is often needed to be removed from situations due to his excessive cursing including at his owner funeral
Real history, Andrew Jackson’s parrot Polly
Which conflict was the last one which George Washington personally commanded troops in?
The Whiskey Rebellion
Which French King was famously nicknamed “the Sun King”?
Louis XIV
Vespasian was the last Roman Emperor in the year 69 AD, known as the year of how many emperors?
The period in which Maximillien Robespierre led France during the French Revolution is nicknamed what?
The Reign of Terror
A awyer brings tomato’s to court and tries them for murder
real history, 1820 Salem New Jersey
Which country was the first to recognize the United States as an independent republic?
How many Commonwealth countries, other than the U.K., recognize the King as the head of state?
The 600-mile-long plain between the Tigris and Euphrates Valleys was home to the city-state of Sumer, which was the first in a succession of what "M" civilizations?
In which nation did the most successful slave revolution to date take place?