Unethical Experiments |
Research & Inquiry
Forces of Change
Mr. Spencer

What is Social Change?

refers to any way in which social organizations are altered or transformed

  • Can involve: Structure of Society, Beliefs, Behaviours, or Interactions with Others

  • Can be Intentional or Unintentional


What is a hypothesis?

a tentative assumption made from known facts as the basis for investigation

Name 2 examples of movements that reflect social change in real life (Try to think of recent examples of movements to shift narrative/perspectives on issues)

Numerous answers

(BLM, Gender Identity, Masculinity/Femininity, etc...)


This theory suggests that many human behaviors are influenced by our evolutionary past. This can lead to changes in how we view issues like cooperation, competition, and social structures, potentially fostering more inclusive policies.

What is this theory?

What is evolutionary theory


What is the number of the classroom that we have HSB4U1 in?



What is conformity?

To follow or adhere to social norms


Name 5 of the unethical experiments that we had looked at in class

Little Albert, Monster Study, David Reimer, Aversion Project, Standford Prison, Monkey Drug Trials, Learned Helplessness, Landis' Facial Expressions, Well of Despair, Milgram Study


Name 1 force that may cause social change

Numerous answers
(Leadership/leaders, social elites, population ready for change)


What is this theory?

This theory posits that social institutions (e.g., family, education, government) serve specific functions that contribute to societal stability. However, when these institutions fail to perform their roles properly, it creates dysfunctions. For instance, if the education system fails to prepare students for the job market, high unemployment or poverty might follow. By identifying these dysfunctions, functionalist theory can point to areas where reform or change is necessary to restore equilibrium.

What is functionalist theory?


How old is Mr. Spencer



Define Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Qualitative Data is informatuion that can't be expressed as a number (words, objects, pictures, observations, symbols)

Quantitative Data is data that can be expressed as a number or can be quantified (Number and statistics)


What are 2 ways in which you can make an experiment more ethical?

Numerous Answers


What are 2 things that may impede/prevent social change?

Numerous answers
(Traditionalist values, lack of cultural interaction, expense of change)


Name 5 theories that invoke social change that we had learned about in class

Evolutionary, Funcitonalist, Conflict, Humanism, Social Cognitive, Intersectionality, Feminist, Culteral Materialism

What is Mr. Spencer's shoe size?

Size 13


What is this term called: the invention of a particular tool (Example: Computer) takes on a life of its own after it has been introduced, with society simply reacting to the new technology

What is technological determinism


What citation style do we use in the social sciences and what does it stand for?

APA -> American Psychological Association


The continuous development of this force of social change has often led to many unintended consequences as a result for the uses and innovations this force of social change has created

What is technology


What is the social cognitive theory?

This theory suggests that individuals can learn new behaviors by observing others, particularly role models. When people see others successfully performing a behavior and receiving positive reinforcement, they are more likely to adopt that behavior themselves.

A key component of this theory is the concept of self-efficacy, or an individual's belief in their ability to succeed in specific situations. Higher self-efficacy can lead to greater motivation and persistence in changing behaviors.


Since what school year has Mr. Spencer been teaching at Westview (including as a student teacher)
Say the year this way: 2010-2011, 2011-2012, etc...



Define "anomie" - Coined by Emile Durkheim

  • socially left behind in the wake of change.   Think of a king in a newly communist society, or a factory worker who has just been replaced by machines


Explain what causation vs. correlation means

A correlation between variables, however, does not automatically mean that the change in one variable is the cause of the change in the values of the other variable. Causation indicates that one event is the result of the occurrence of the other event


Name 3 business/companies that have adapted to social change and explain how they have changed

Numerous answers

Netflix, Denny's (Robot | Self serving places), Bell (Mental Health/Let's Talk), Disney (Re-making older IPs with more culturally responsive/diverse casts)


What is cultural materialism theory?

This theory emphasizes that the material base of society—its mode of production, technological advancements, and environmental resources—shapes the social structure and culture. When these material conditions change, cultural practices and ideologies follow.

This theory holds that the infrastructure of society—its production and reproduction systems, including agriculture, economy, and technology—determine social structure (e.g., class systems, family organization) and superstructure (e.g., religion, ideology, art). Changes in the infrastructure trigger changes throughout the society


Mr. Spencer has won many awards in this club/sport. What club/game/sport is this?

What is chess
