Important very first step in the planning process.
What is preplanning?
Data that are already collected by someone else and available for your use.
What are secondary data?
The statements that form the foundation of a program plan.
What are Mission, Goal and Objective Statements?
Confidence and beliefs that a person has about themselves and their ability to overcome barriers to healthy action.
What is self-efficacy?
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
What are the levels of prevention?
Publication responsible for jumpstarting the health promotion and disease prevention movement in the US.
What is Healthy People?
A process through which people collaboratively engage to identify common issues and goals, advocate for change, mobilize resources and assets, and develop and implement strategies for reaching the goals.
What is community organizing?
Provides the overall direction of a program.
What is a program goal?
Assessment, Goals & Objectives, Interventions, Implementation, Evaluation.
What are the 5 steps in the Generalized Planning Model?
Partnerships, equipment, and supplies in a logic model.
What are inputs?
The conditions where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health and quality-of-life outcomes.
What are the social determinants of health?
A formal alliance of organizations that come together to work for a common goal.
What is a coalition?
Measures outputs such as number of sessions held, attendance, and percentage of the priority population reached.
What are process objectives?
Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and Community
What are the levels of Behavior Change theories? (levels of influence to be considered for interventions)
What are outputs?
Planned learning experiences in which theory and evidence are used to provide opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge, attitudes, and skills that are needed for healthy behaviors.
What is health education?
Type of data you use for a literature review assessment.
What are secondary data?
Core, developmental, and research.
What are the types of objectives included in Healthy People 2030?
Perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived seriousness, self - efficacy, intention to act
What are constructs in the Health Belief Model?
Designed to change the structure or types of services, systems of care, or make infrastructure improvements to facilitate behavior change and improve health
What are environmental change strategies?
Educational, political, environmental, regulatory, or organizational approaches that support actions and conditions of living and are conducive to health.
What is health promotion?
Activities that enhance the resources of individuals, organizations, and communities to improve their effectiveness to act.
What is capacity building?
What is an impact objective?
Stimulus-Response, Health Belief, Planned Behavior, Transtheoretical, Precaution Adoption Process, Social Capital, Diffusion of Innovations.
What are behavior change theories?
Strategy has the most penetration/reach.
What are health communication strategies?