Pompeii and Herculaneum
The Augustan Age
Agrippina the Younger
Who Am I?

What is the name of the volcano that erupted and destroyed the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum?

Mt. Vesuvius


What battle marked the end of the power struggle between Augustus and Marc Antony/Cleopatra?

Battle of Actium


Which emperor was responsible for the murder of Germanicus and the purging of Agrippina the Elder?



Who is the only primary written source for the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius?

Pliny the Younger


One of the most powerful women of the Ancient period. I had romantic and political relationships with both Julius Caesar and Marc Antony.



In what year did Mt. Vesuvius erupt and destroy Pompeii and Herculaneum?

79 CE


Who was the leading orator and senator that attempted to manipulate the young Octavian after he returned to Rome?



Which Roman philosopher was Nero's tutor?



What is the Res Gestae?

"The Deeds of the Divine Augustus" 

This is a monumental inscription composed by Augustus which gives a first-person record of his life and accomplishments.


The notoriously promiscuous third wife of the emperor Claudius.



What was garum?

A popular fish sauce produced in Pompeii that was a major export.


Who were the three politicians that formed the First Triumvirate in the period of 60 - 53 BCE?

Caesar, Pompey and Crassus


How old was Agrippina when she married for the first time?



Who are the three major ancient sources on Agrippina the Younger?

Tacitus, Suetonius and Cassius Dio


General and politician who implemented military reforms that reshaped the Roman army and instigated the eventual collapse of the Republic.

Gaius Marius


What is an impluvium?

The square basin in the centre of the atrium of an ancient Roman house, which received rainwater from an opening in the roof.


Who were the parents of Augustus?

Father: Gaius Octavius

Mother: Atia Balba Caesonia


Where was Agrippina born?

Cologne, Germany


What is the difference between a Fresco and a Mosaic?

A mosaic is made when stones, glass, or other objects are combined to make an image. 

A fresco isa painting directly on a wall or roof.


A reformer who was beaten to death by senators after attempting to redistribute land to poorer Roman citizens.

Tiberius Gracchus


Place the following archaeologists and excavators in chronological order (in terms of their work at Pompeii and Herculaneum):

de Alcubierre

De Alcubierre: 1738 - 1780

Fiorelli: 1860-1875

Spinnazola: 1910-1923

Mauri: 1924-1961


What was the Varian Disaster (Battle of Teutoburg Forest)?

[DOUBLE POINTS: What was its significance to Rome's frontier policy?]

Battle between Roman and Germanic forces in 9 CE. Germanic tribes decisively defeated the Romans.

SIGNIFICANCE: Marked the end of Roman expansion into northern Europe and signalled a shift towards consolidating Roman land instead of expanding it.


Who were the three people that Agrippina married in her life?

Ahenobarbus, Crispus and Claudius


How do the written sources differ from the physical sources (e.g. coins, statues) on Agrippina?

Written sources present her in a mostly negative light. As a manipulative and spiteful woman who used her prestigious family line to become the most powerful woman in Rome.

Physical sources generally present her in a more positive manner. As a respected Vestal Virgin under Caligula, a classical and yet influential woman under Claudius and then as an almost dual-leader during the early reign of Nero.


Warlord who put down the Third Servile War and contributed to the collapse of the Republic in 71 BCE.



Outline 5 threats to the archaeological sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

- Tourism
- Theft
- Vandalism
- Bird droppings
- Stray cats and dogs
- Potential eruption of Mt. Vesuvius
- Natural factors (e.g. rain, sun, wind)


Identify THREE people that were potential threats to Augustus.

Explain how they were threats.

Marcus Lepidus: plotted to assassinate Augustus

Cornellius Gallus: equestrian who attempted to elevate himself through grand inscriptions

Licinius Crassus: highly decorated proconsul of Macedonia. Threat to Augustus' military monopoly

M. Primus: proconsul who attempted to launch a war with permission from Augustus

Fannius Caepio/Varro Murena: plotted to kill Augustus

Julia: Augustus' daughter who attempted to influence the direction of dynastic succession (through her son Gaius Caesar)


Outline THREE potential factors behind Nero's decision to murder Agrippina.

- She was becoming overbearing in his private life

- He viewed her as a threat to his power

- She opposed Nero's affair with Poppaea Sabina

- He was influenced by Seneca and imperial freedmen

- Her position defied what was socially accepted in a heavily patriarchal society


What is the following image?

Outline any ceremonies associated with it.

[HINT: Paterfamilias]

Household altar or lararium.

The centre of worship for a Roman citizen. As chief priest, family ceremonies would be conducted by the male head of family (paterfamilias). All religious observances in the home were associated with household gods (e.g. lares, penates and genius), the sacred hearth (Vesta), ancestors and rites of passage (e.g. births, deaths, marriages).


Swiss engineer appointed to work under de Alcubierre in 1750. Believed in the importance of systematic excavation and drawing plans and maps.

Karl Weber


Provide the Roman name for AT LEAST 3 of the following buildings excavated in Pompeii and/or Herculaneum:

- Markets
- Wool and cloth manufacturing building
- Shops
- Hot food snack bars
- Taverns
- Workshops

- Markets: Macellum
- Wool/cloth manufacturing: Eumachia
- Shops: Tabernae
- Hot food snack bars: Thermopolia
- Taverns: Cuponae
- Workshops: Officinae


What were 4 military reforms that Augustus introduced in the later part of his reign?

Demobilisation: Reduced the number of legions from 60 to 28 legions (later down to 25 legions)

Fixed terms of service: 16 years at first (20 years from 6 CE)

More efficient funding retirement of soldiers: Creating a aerarium militare (military treasury) to resolve the problem of the discharge ‘pension’

Praetorian Guard: Elite force to protect Italy and Imperial Family  

Manpower in provinces: manpower from the provinces (auxiliaries) used to bolster the frontier legions.

First standing navy: Created in order to combat piracy that plagued the late Republic

Reformed ranking: Equestrians could now rise up to cohort commanders. However only ex-praetors could be legionary commanders.


Describe the impact of Seneca, Burrus, Pallas and Narcissus in the downfall of Agrippina the Younger.






What does the following image show?

How is it significant in regards to the reign of Augustus?

The Ara Pacis.

It is an important monument because it provides a visual representation of the values of his reign (e.g. peace, authority, humanity and family).

As a piece of propaganda it depicts the moral and religious aspects of Augustus' reign as well as indicating his dynastic hopes.


The horse that Caligula allegedly attempted to make a consul.

