What does the term lupinarium mean?
A brothel
What name was given to the people who controlled Lower Egypt after the Middle Kingdom period?
The Hyksos
In what year did Mt Vesuvius probably erupt and bury the town of Pompeii?
What is the name given to pictures made of coloured tiles?
What is the largest building uncovered so far in Pompeii?
The amphitheatre.
What is the name for the cold pool in Pompeiian bathhouses?
Who wrote an account of his and his uncle's experiences during the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in 79AD?
Pliny the Younger
Which Egyptian king began hostilities against the Hyksos - unsuccessfully.
Seqenenre Tao
AI has recently been used to read text on what type of source from Herculaneum?
Carbonised papyrus scrolls
Who was the last Egyptian king to build a pyramid?
What is the name of the curved sword adopted by the Egyptian army in the 17th Dynasty?
What was the job title of the chief magistrates in Pompeii?
In what year did Pompeii experience a series of major earthquakes prior to the main eruption?
Name one epigraphic source for Pompeii:
Could include tombs, inscriptions on public buildings, dedications at temples etc.
What is the name of the main street in Pompeii?
What is the name of the covered marketplace in the Pompeiian forum?
What was the name of the king who reunified Egypt after the Hyksos occupation?
Pompeii lost its right to host gladiator games for 10 years after a riot with fans from which other town?
One source for the social hierarchy in the cities of Vesuvius is the inscription under the statue of which figure mounted on a horse outside the suburban baths in Herculaneum?
Marcus Nonius Balbus
What event supposedly started the conflict between the Hyksos and the Egyptians?
The Hippopotamus Affair
What name was given to the senior town council of Pompeii, with members elected about every 5 years?
Ordo decuriones
Who was the Egyptian king Seqenenre's mother?
King Ahmose pursued the Hyksos back into Palestine by besieging which city?
Who was the 'garum king' of Pompeii?
Marcus Umbricius Scaurus
The mosaic of Alexander the Great defeating King Darius of Persia was found in which house in Pompeii?
The House of the Faun