Measuring health status
Identifying priority issues
Growing & aging population
Health care in Aus
Health promotion

Define epidemiology

The study of patterns of disease and illness within a group of people or population


Why is it important to prioritise heath issues?

To ensure resources (health care workers and facilities) and funding are directed to where they are needed most and will have the most impact


Identify 2 reasons why Australia's population is ageing.

Aus families are having less children, we are living longer, baby boomer generation are now entering the elderly age bracket


Health expenditure in Australia far exceeds expenditure on prevention and health promotion. True or false?



Define health promotion.

The process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health


Identify 2 common sources of information for measuring health status in Australia.

ABS, AIHW, gov agencies (RMS/RTA, Medicare), non-gov agencies (Cancer Council, Heart Foundation)

Identify the criteria that is used by the Australian Government to identify priority health issues.



Explain the concept 'healthy ageing'.

Refers to the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing and good health in old age.


Provide one example of a local, state and federal responsibility in regards to health care.

Local - community and home based health services, waste disposal

State - hospitals, mental health facilities, ambulance services, preventative screening and immunisation

Federal - national health policies/initiatives, funding, Medicare


Banning smoking in pubs/clubs and advertisements about the dangers of smoking are examples of which action areas of the Ottawa Charter?

Banning smoking - BHPP + CSP

Advertisements - DPS


Define morbidity, mortality, incidence and prevalence.

Morbidity - disease rate

Mortality - death rate

Incidence - new cases within a time period

Prevalence - total number of cases


Outline the social justice principles and provide an example of each.

equity - resources and funding are distributed fairly e.g. Medicare

diversity - recognises the cultural and social differences in society e.g. health information in multiple languages

supportive environments - ensures the places where people live, work and play encourage healthy decision making e.g. outdoor gyms in parks


Explain some of the concerns with a growing and ageing population

greater reliance on carers, increased burden on health care workers, greater demand for health services

Discuss the benefits of prevention and early intervention.

Prevention - reduces risk behaviours, empowers individuals, improves quality of life, is cost effective

Early intervention - increases survival rates, increases the likelihood of recovery


Identify the 5 action areas of the Ottawa Charter.



Justify the reasons (4) for the improvements of life expectancy over the past 100 years.

vaccinations, increased health education, improved diagnosis/treatment/technology, health promotion initiatives, improved living conditions (clean water, sewerage, food quality)

Explain the 'costs to the individual and community' criteria.

If a health issue results in significant costs to the individual (trauma, cost of treatment, pain/suffering, relationship issues, loss of income) and the community (health care funding, premature death, PBS, medical research, decreased productivity), it is likely to be a health priority.


Provide some examples of health care services (2) aimed at the elderly.

Meals on Wheels, nursing homes, respite care, GP home visits


Outline the role of Medicare in Australia's health care system.

Taxpayer funded system which provides access to all Australians to GPs, basic emergency care and other heath care services (some are free, others are subsidized)


What is the name of the nationwide health promotion initiative which is aimed at improving the health of Indigenous Australians?

Close the Gap


Name the 5 leading causes of mortality overall

1. CHD

2. Dementia

3. Cerebrovascular disease

4. Lung cancer



Use the criteria for identifying priority issues to justify why CVD or cancer are priority health issues in Australia.

Answer must refer to SPPPC


Describe the potential impact on carers of the elderly and the workforce.

Carers - shortage of carers, resulting in stress and the need to take on more duties, inadequate training to do some roles

Workforce - increased workload, stress, less time with family, time off work


Provide 3 reasons for the growth of complementary and alternative health care approaches and provide 3 examples.

Examples - chiropractic, acupuncture, meditation, osteopathy, massage, herbal/Chinese medicine

Reasons for growth - holisitic approach, less side effects, inclusion in private health insurance, formal qualifications are now required for most, increase in availability and affordability, multiculturalism


Identify a health promotion initiative which relates to a priority health issue and explain how it links to the action areas of the Ottawa Charter (at least 3).

Answer must make specific mention to 3 action areas.
