Health Priorities in Aust
Factors Affecting Performance
Sports Medicine
Improving Performance

List the determinants of health





What are the 4 types of motivation?

Positive, Negative, Intrinsic, Extrinsic


The displacement of a bone at a joint.



What is a macrophase?

A season of training - include pre-, during- and post-competition phases. 


Identify 3 areas of the Ottawa Charter?

Developing Personal Skills

Creating Supportive Environments

Building Healthy Public Policy

Reorienting Health Services

Strengthening Community Actions


Name the 4 types of AEROBIC training.

Fartlek, Circuit, Long Interval, Continuous


Injuries which are sustained from continuous or repetitive stress, incorrect technique or equipment, or too much training.

Give a specific example

Overuse injuries, stress fractures, tendinitis 

(eg tennis elbow, shin splints)


What is 1 benefit and 1 limitation of drug testing?

promoting safety in sport, promoting equity in sport, rewarding athletes for their ability, training and efforts

not all drugs can be tested for, new drugs get created frequently, and until they are created tests cannot be developed for them, testing exposes the athlete


What are 4 examples of alternative and complementary health care approaches?

Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Bowen Therapeutic Technique, Chiropractic, Herbalism, Homeopathy, Hypnosis, Iridology, Massage, Meditation, Naturopathy


What are the 3 dash points under anxiety and arousal?

trait and state anxiety 

sources of stress 

optimum arousal


Name the 6 types of soft tissue injuries?

tears, sprains, contusions 

skin abrasions, lacerations, blisters


How can athletes plan to avoid over training? Give examples

amount and intensity of training 

physiological considerations, eg lethargy, injury 

psychological considerations, eg loss of motivation.


How do we assess a growing and ageing population?

- healthy ageing

- increased population living with chronic disease

- demand for health care services and workforce shortages

- availability of carers and volunteers 


What are the physiological adaptations in response to training

resting heart rate 

stroke volume and cardiac output

oxygen uptake and lung capacity

haemoglobin level

muscle hypertrophy

effect on fast/slow twitch muscle fibres


How do iron deficiency and bone density affect participation in sport.

Iron deficiency - Iron is needed to allow haemoglobin to bind with oxygen and transport it around the body for the aerobic energy system and to speed up recovery from the lactic acid energy system. If not present fatigue will occur.

Bone density - A decrease in density causes the bone to become fragile, making the athlete more prone to fractures - High intensity and contact sports can cause the female athlete to suffer fractures


What are the 3 different methods of strength training. Give an example for each

resistance training, eg elastic, hydraulic

weight training, eg plates, dumbbells

isometric training, eg plank/prone hold, wall sit


How do we identify priority issues for Australia’s health?

- social justice principles (SJP)
- priority population groups
- prevalence of condition
- potential for prevention and early intervention
- costs to the individual and community


Characteristics of a skilled performer and performance elements.

- Kinaesthetic sense, anticipation, consistency, technique

- decision making, strategic and tactical development


What are the dash points for environmental considerations? Must include examples 3 example for each of the first 2 dash points. That's 6 all up out of 10

- temperature regulation (convection, radiation, conduction, evaporation) 

- climatic conditions (temperature, humidity, wind, rain, altitude, pollution) 

- guidelines for fluid intake 

- acclimatisation


How would planning a training year differ for elite athletes and recreational/amateur participants? Give examples for each.

performance and fitness needs (individual, team)

schedule of events/competitions

climate and season
