When did Mount Vesuvius erupt?
79 AD
What is a paterfamilias?
The male head of the household
What is a lararium?
Household religious altar
Who came up with the idea for plaster casts?
Giuseppe Fiorelli
What is a Thermopolium?
Fast food bar found in Pompeii and Herculaneum
What region in Italy are Pompeii and Herculaneum located?
The region of Campania
Who are Estelle Lazer and Sara Bisel?
Experts on human remains at Pompeii and Herculaneum
Who is Hercules/Herakles?
The patron god of Herculaneum
What is CT scanning for at the sites?
Human remains.
Who is Julia Felix?
Wealthy female landowner and entrepreneur
Name one title of a film made about this topic.
The Last Days of Pompeii
What are the mystery cults of Pompeii and Herculaneum?
Isis and Dionysus
What is the imperial cult?
Religious cult dedicated to the emperor
Was the Great Pompeii Project an Italian OR International initiative?
Name two buildings in the Forum.
Temples, baths, basilica, macellum, etc.
Who wrote an eyewitness account of the eruption?
Pliny the Younger
Who had the most impressive tomb in Pompeii?
What is the Villa of the Mysteries?
House with scenes featuring one of the mystery cults
Describe two ethical issues relating to the excavation and conservation and the study and display of human remains.
Respect for human remains vs. the educational benefit of studying the remains and the increase in interest from tourists; conservation vs. excavation; accessibility vs. preservation
What are the lares?
Household domestic spirits worshiped in the household Larariums where family members performed daily rituals at this shrine
Where were the Philodemus scrolls found?
The Villa of Papyri
Where are the Suburban Baths? AND who paid for them?
Herculaneum, paid for Marcus Nonius Balbus
Who is in the Capitoline Triad?
Jupiter, Juno, Minerva.
Which major project should you associate with Andrew Wallace-Hadrill?
Herculaneum Conservation Project.
Senior Magistrates in P+H.
Duoviri or duumvirate