Research Methods
Continuity and Change
Pop Culture
Social Inclusion/Exclusion

What are the five fundamental concepts

Persons, Society, Culture, Time, Environment


What is qualitative data and name a research methods

Qualitative research is a type of research that aims to gather and analyse non-numerical data in order to gain an understanding of individuals' social reality, including understanding their attitudes, beliefs, and motivations.


open-ended questions (questionnaire)


Focus Groups


Why do individuals resist change?

Can occur for a number reasons - cultural barriers (beliefs and values, ethnocentrism and against established norms) and Social barrier (fear of loss of power and conformity to the norms)


What are the four characteristics of a pop culture?

1. associated with commercial products and paraphernalia

2. develops from a local to a global level

3. achieves widespread consumer access

4. is constantly changing and evolving


What are the six socially valued resources?

Education, health, employment, technology, housing and justice system.


Definition: The alteration or modification of cultural elements in a society.



What is a benefit of using a questionnaire?

The opportunity to ask open and closed questions

Easy to create and distribute

About your topic


Give an example of how power and authority are shown in ONE country

In contemporary China, power and authority are centralised in the Communist Party of China (CPC), with the President and General Secretary of the CPC holding the most significant positions of power and authority. They have used this power to create a social credit system with the use surveillance in some urban areas to control the growing population behaviour.


explain the origins of ONE popular culture 

Spacewar! was developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) student hobbyists in 1962 as one of the first such games on a video display.


How individuals and groups experience social exclusion within Australia at the meso level?

Bullying at school.

Definition: Linked to power and the right to make decisions and to determine, adjudicate or settle issues and disputes in society



What is ethical research?

Ethical research is the practice of conducting your research ethically - this can be acknowledging all sources, informing participants about the scope of the research, not naming individuals in the research, not putting people in awkward positions.


Predict the importance of technologies in ONE country studied.

The importance of technology to China in the near is paramount with its growing population. It is at the forefront of developing autonomous driving technology and intelligent transport systems that leverage artificial intelligence, big data and connectivity to improve traffic management and road safety. 


Explain the relationship of heroes and mythology to media and Consumption of ONE pop culture

Childhood heroes such as Mario, Link and Master Chief provide a connection to past feelings of adventure, joy and friendships that serve to continue their popularity into adulthood leading to a continuos consumption.


What are the implications of access for ONE group in relation to life chances for its members

Women in Afghanistan have limited access to the SVRs and therefore significant impacting their life chances due to lack of social mobility. 


Definition: The ability of individuals and groups to move vertically within a social hierarchy with changes in income, occupation and so on.

Social mobility


What is social and cultural literacy?

Social and cultural literacy refers to the idea that people should possess a body of knowledge, understanding and skills that allows them to share, communicate effectively, and respect themselves and others. The process of gaining social and cultural literacy is reflected in the diagram below.


What are two forces that have shaped family life?

Family structure and values in contemporary China have undergone significant changes in recent decades due to the country's rapid modernisation and globalisation.


What is the impact of official and unofficial censorship on ONE pop culture?

Official - like governments and block games and stop conventions and tournaments from entering a country, the impact is somewhat effective but consumers usually find a way to engage. 

unofficial - parents can ban games from children but do not have influence at all times.


Explain the role and influence of historical and political forces in the generation and maintenance of social exclusion ONE country

Historical - Traditional Patriarchal Structures and Political - Taliban Regime (1996-2001),   


definition: A particular philosophy of life or conception of the world that is characterised by an organised and accepted set of ideas that attempts to explain the social, cultural, physical and psychological world. 



In the research process - After you Develop a focus question or hypothesis. What is the next step?

Gather background information from all appropriate sources.


What is equilibrium in functionalism 

 An equilibrium is a state of balance and
stability. In functionalism institutions work together the always have a state of balance


What is the positive and negative impact of ONE popular culture on wider society

Positive: Entertainment and Recreation, skill/cognition building,  social interactions, career building and cultural exposure

Negative: addictive, social isolation, stereotyping and financial impact.   


Propose strategies that are likely to reduce prejudice and discrimination and lead to the achievement of social cohesion within the near future for ONE country studied.

Community-Based Education

Strengthen local NGOs and civil society groups that work on peacebuilding, human rights, and social cohesion 
