The poem that focuses on memory.
Wild Grapes
What is the number of the first chapter in the book?
The name of the Kerrigan's neighbour from Lebanon (with correct spelling!)
The module's name is.
Texts and Human Experiences
Gustatory imagery refers to...
sense of taste
Year Slessor was born
What does Christopher name his dog at the end of the novel?
"We could just chat for hours." - Which two people is this quote referring to?
Dale & Wayne
Finish the phrase: Anomalies...
paradoxes and inconsistencies
juxtaposition means
Samuel Marsden had this trait.
Power hungry
Name the Sherlock Holmes story that Christopher says is his favourite.
Hound of the Baskervilles
Where did Mr and Mrs Kerrigan first meet?
Greyhound races
Effect statements in this module
See the world differently, ignite new ideas, reflect personally, challenge assumptions
A dominant or recurring idea in a text is...
Which poem is this from? "Written with such perplexity, with such bewildered pity,
The words choke as they begin – "
Beach Burial
What makes it a Super Good Day?
5 red cars
Where does Sal Kerrigan work part-time?
Experiences can be...
Individual and/or collective
The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses is...
Finish this quote:
"I and the moment laugh, and let him go,"
"Leaning against his golden undertow."
What is our protagonist's full name?
Christopher John Francis Boone
What is the address of the Kerrigan house?
3 Highview Crescent, Coolaroo
What must you ALWAYS do in the reading task?
Identify the human experience
The omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence, as in I came, I saw, I conquered...