What is an allergy?
This happens when your body reacts badly to something you eat or touch.
This is a throat infection that causes a sore throat, fever, and sometimes red spots.
Strep Throat
Blinks frequently; often closes one eye when reading.
Visual Screening
How much water is trouble for a baby if left alone?
1 inch
Sam got a sliver in his finger from the fence outside. How do you handle this situation?
Wash the finger, try to remove it typcally with tweezers.
What is diabetes?
This is when a child’s body can't break down sugar properly.
This illness causes swelling in the cheeks and jaw, and can make you feel sick.
Stutters whenever tense and in a hurry to speak.
Speech evaluation
What items should you put on your baby to protect them from the sun?
Sunglasses, hats with a brim
After Jamie took away John’s toy, John bit Jamie so hard that she was bleeding. How do you handle this situation?
Wash the area, cover it with a bandage, check the wound daily
What is asthma?
Asthma makes it hard to breathe and can cause coughing and wheezing.
This is a skin infection that causes a red, itchy rash in the shape of a ring.
Ring Worm
Has overlapping and missing teeth that make speech difficult to understand.
Dental Screening and Speech Evaluation
Make sure your babies clothes are...?
Flame retardant
Wayne was playing with a game and swallowed one of the pieces. What would you do?
Give five abdominal thrusts
What is hand, foot, and mouth disease?
This condition causes a rash, often with small blisters, around the mouth or on the hands.
This is an eye infection that makes your eyes red, itchy, and watery.
Pink eye
Ignores the teacher’s requests; pushes and shouts at the other children to get their attention.
Hearing screening
What objects may cause a child to suffocate?
Soft, flexible objects that can cover an infant's nose and mouth.
Tiffany drank some red Tempera paint because she thought it looked like punch. You catch her just as she is finishing. What do you do?
Get her away from the paint, see how much she has had, if still in her mouth make her spit it out, call poison control
What is the common cold?
This is a common cold caused by a virus and makes a child sneeze and cough.
These tiny worms can make you itch around your bottom and are common in kids.
Pin worms
Seems extremely hungry at snack time; always ask for extra servings. and takes food from other children’s plates when the teacher isn’t looking.
Nutrition Evaluation
Where can a baby fall from?
Anything raised, including an adult bed or a changing table
Matthew was running with a pencil in his hand. He tripped and fell and the lead was stuck in his palm. How do you handle this situation?
Wash the area, and take out the lead, put a bandaid on the area.