Multiple choice
Multiple choice 2
Definitions 2
An informal dialect spoken to be set apart from mainstream a) Diametrics b) Slang c) Hoodoo d) Slander e) None of the above
What is slang?
Which is not a form of communication? a) Body Language b) Tone of voice c) Clothing d) Interaction distance e) Overgeneralization
What is Overgeneralization?
Define ebonics:
What is a dialect used by African/Carribean Americans?
Define Spanglish:
What is a combination of Spanish and English used by North Americans of Latin descent descent?
True of false - _____Youth use slang to conform to societies views of how they should speak
What is False? Youth use slang to differentiate themselves from mainstream culture.
An example of body language is: a) Crossed arms to show anger b) Leaning in when listening c) Nodding in agreement d) Looking down when lying e) All of the above
What is all of the above?
Media advertisements are designed to: a) Make you feel you are missing something b) Appeal to your senses c) Entice you to buy a product d) Convey a message e) All of the above
What is all of the above?
Define language:
What is a sophisticated communication system that includes vocabulary as well as a set of rules or grammar outlining proper use.
Define body language:
What is the means of communicating information and attitudes in a non-verbal manner?
True or false- _____ Men feel that women don’t apologize enough.
What is False? Men feel women are often too apologetic in everyday life.
Which of these is NOT an example of slang a) Ebonics b) Spanglish c) Padua d) Cockney Rhyming slang e) None of the above
What is none of the above?
9. Which of these is NOT an example of slang a) Ebonics b) Spanglish c) Padua d) Cockney Rhyming slang e) None of the above 10. Teens use slang to: a) Differentiate themselves from their elders b) Have their own cultural language c) Create secret codes d) A and B e) B and C
What is a and b?
Define mass media:
What is A means of public communication reaching a large audience?
Define non verbal communication:
What is aspects of communication, such as gestures and facial expressions, that do not involve verbal communication?
True or false - _____ Women are more direct than men with criticism
What is False? Men are more direct. Women often try to be more empathetic and offer constructive feedback.
Deborah Tannen studied: a) Child language acquisition b) Gender differences c) Slang d) All of the above e) None of the above
What is Gender differences?
highest language acquisition a) Chimpanzees b) Children aged 3-10 c) ESL learners d) Children aged 0-3 e) None of the above
What is Children aged 0 - 3?
Define vocal intonation:
What is a change in pitch and cadence of speech to create emphasis on a word or phrase?
Define overgeneralization?
What is "when a rule of speech is applied to all circumstances"? eg - a child ads "ed"to all verbs "I eated the cupcake"
This social Scientist theorized that children's language acquisition was increased through positive/negative reinforcement.
Who is B.F. Skinner? Pg. 80
Dr. Paul Broca discovered: a) The speech production part of the brain b) The medulla oblongata c) Insulin d) Language variation e) All of the above
What is The speech production part of the brain?
Wilder Graves Penfield studied: a) The pleasure center of the brain b) The memory center of the brain c) The medulla oblongata d) The firing of neurons e) None of the bove
What is The memory center of the brain?
Define universal grammar:
What is Noam Chomsky's theory that all the world languages share a similar underlying structure?
Define telegraphic sentences:
What is sentences that sound like part of a telegram, in which words unimportant to the sentence are left out - eg. a child says "I saw cat" instead of "I saw a cat"?
This social scientist theorized that children are born with an innate sense of language acquisition.
What is Noam Chomsky? Pg. 81