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Cultural Dimensions

Boabdil was the last sultan to live in this Moorish palace in Granada which was designed to be a paradise on earth. 

What is the Alhambra? 


This real-life hero embodied the idealized Spanish character traits of both the protective, brave, honorable knight, and loving father


Who was "El Cid"? 


Written in 1492, by Jorge Manrique, the following lines of this poem illustrate the European Linear View of Time: Our lives are like the rivers that flow into the sea and terminate; 

What is Verses for the Death of his Father? 


Prior to 1492, Spain saw a cultural coexistence of these three major religious groups. 

Who are Christians, Jews, and Muslims? 


According to Hofstede's cultural dimensions, an emphasis on "I" (versus "we") and independence (versus interdependence) are indicative of this type of cultural mindset?

What is individualist? 


This instrument gave Mesoamerican indigenous people a cyclical or circular view of time with repeating 52-year eras. 

What is the Maya Calendar? 


Known as "The Moorslayer" the name of this Apostle and Patron Saint of Spain was invoked by Christian armies during the Reconquista


Who was St. James (Santiago or Santiago Matamoros)?


In the lines  I'll set them in front of you, and you'll see what they really are...Then they'll belong to Bishop Don Jerónimo, And he'll hang them in St. Mary's to honor God's mother." The words "them" and "they" refer to these items that were significant because of this reality. 

What were the Drums used by the Moors to instill fear before an attack. 


The opposing cultural force to coexistence, this term refers to the attempts by Christian armies to regain control of territories that had been previously taken by Moorish invaders. 

What is the "Reconquest"? 


The idea that one's ancestors have relevance in one's current family life is indicative of this type of cultural mindset. 

What is collectivist? 


In this Spanish "Vanitas" painting, the hour glass, candle, and spire on the clock are items that symbolized this (European) way of visualizing time.  


What is linear time? 


Although it is now challenged by historians, there was apparently a prophecy that held that this Mesoamerican deity would return in the year 1 Reed, "from the East", in the form of a bearded man who would then replace all the gods with another, ending the current 52 year cycle and ushering in a new era. 

Who was Quetzalcoatl? 


In the movie Even the Rain, the line that Daniel delivers to Costa: “(You said) 'Two f----ing dollars a day and they’re happy' I worked in the States for two years in construction. I know this story.” is indicative of this Latin American cultural reality. 

What is exploitation and the repeated instances of it? 


The tomb of Ferdinand III in Seville represents the cultural coexistence that defined Spain prior to 1492 because of the inscriptions he had requested be made in each of these four languages.

What are Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin?


The use of mitigated speech happens more frequently in countries with this type of PDI. 

What is high? 


Known for having developed the idea of the "Common Good", this theologian influenced Spain's approach to including the indigenous populations into the social order in the "New World", rather than excluding them entirely (as was the case with England). 

Who was Thomas Aquinas? 


This Nobel-prize winning author said this in his acceptance speech: “In spite of this, to oppression, plundering and abandonment, we respond with life..." and captured the essential "Latin American response" to repeated exploitation, interrupted progress, and an existence outside of the "First World". 

Who was Garbiel García Márquez?


The following is from the agreement signed following this event in 1492.

What is the surrender of Granada? 


Carlos Fuentes referred to the perceived existence of all past times existing in the present moment using this term. 

What is instantaneity? 


The belief that hierarchies exist as an organizing tool and do not have bearing on an individual's respective sense of self-worth is indicative of countries with this type of PDI. 

What is low?


In this image from the film Even the Rain, Sebastian, is shown with the actor who plays this Taino leader who rebelled against the Spaniards. 

Who is Hatuey? 


Known as the "Queen of Salsa" the lyrics of many of this musical artist's songs illustrate the idea of "responding with life" to the inevitable disappointments and defeats - which is understood to be a particular type of Hispanic cultural practice. 

Who was Celia Cruz? 

In New England, English colonizers came into occasional contact with nomadic tribes of Indians. They therefore believed the land they were taking to be a "wilderness". According to Octavio Paz, the Spaniards encountered something else. In Mexico, they encountered this "as well as geography". And this still "lives", and speaks to Mexican authors.

What is history?


This term referred to Muslim people who remained in Spain following the expulsion of all Muslims who refused to convert to Christianity. 

What is "Mudejar"? 

Colombia's scores of 13 and 67, respectively on tests for these two cultural dimensions

What are Individualist and Power-Distance Index
