Rights and Freedoms
Statue and Common Law
Criminal and Civil Law
National Identity and Belonging

What is democracy? 

A system of government in which the people have a say about how they are governed, and free elections are held.


What are rights? 

A right is a moral or legal entitlement to have or be able to do something.


Who makes statute law in Australia? 

Statute law is made by parliaments


What is criminal law? 

BONUS: Provide 2 examples 

Criminal law protects innocent individuals from wrongdoers. It outlines the way people should act — what they can and cannot do. 

Examples include: robbery, murder, assault, theft and drug offences.


What is Australia's National Identity? 

There is no singular National Identity. Australia is a culturally diverse country.


What is the constitution? 

The set of rules by which a state or country is run. It is a legal document. 


The right to assemble in public to protest against actions by the government or other organisations is called freedom of... 

Freedom of assembly


Who makes common law? 

Common law is made by the Judiciary – courts. (Judges) 


Assault is an example of which type of law? 

Criminal law 


What is an example of something you can 'belong' to? 



School community

Friendship Groups


What is a legislation? 

A law or proposed law.


Name 3 types of freedoms 

Answers can include:

Freedom of movement, Freedom of speech, Freedom of assembly, Freedom of association, Freedom of conscience.


Define common law

BONUS: Provide an example

Common law is made when judges make decisions in courts. 

Law based on custom or court decisions, which works together with statute law made by parliament

Negligence is an example of which type of law? 

Civil law 

Negligence is a situation where a person breaches a duty of care to avoid a foreseeable risk - another person being injured 


What does 'sense of belonging' mean? 

A person has a ‘sense of belonging’ to a group or a community when they get along with other individuals who share similar values, interests and backgrounds. 

It is a positive feeling of acceptance and security.


What is a referendum? 

A national vote to consider a change to the Australian Constitution.


What is freedom of movement? 

We have the right to leave and return to Australia whenever we want or to travel within Australia, within the bounds of the law.


What are the 2 houses of the Australian Parliament? 

House of Representatives (Lower House)

The Senate (Upper House) 


What is civil law? 

BONUS: Provide 2 exmaples

Civil law deals with non-criminal matters. It allows a person to bring actions against other people for a civil wrong done to him or her. 

Examples include disputes between friends, business partners, consumers and retailers, neighbours, or an individual and a government department.


What are examples of shared values in Australia? (4)




Equality of opportunity 


Define Parliament?

BONUS: Who does the Australian Parliament consist of?  

An assembly of elected law-making representatives. 

The Australian Parliament consists of the King—represented by the Governor-General—the Senate and the House of Representatives.


What is the right to express dissent? 

Hint: To 'dissent' means to not agree with something. 

We have the right to disagree with the actions taken by our governments or with the opinions of others.

What is the last step to passing a proposed law? 

Before a law can finally come into being it must get royal assent; that is, it must be approved by the ruling monarch of Australia or his/her representative, the Governor-General. 


Civil or Criminal? BONUS: What category? 

Joseph punched a surgeon in the head after the doctor had asked him and his friends to stop smoking in a non-smoking area outside the hospital doors. The surgeon fell backwards and hit his head on the floor, knocking him unconscious. He spent the next month in a coma and died after his family agreed to have his life-support system switched off.

Criminal - As this case involved manslaughter, it is classified as a criminal matter. 


How does our national identity shape a sense of belonging?

Australia's diverse culture can create a sense of belonging as all Australian's feel included no matter their age, gender, race, religion and cultural background. 
