College Life
College Health (Alcohol/Drugs)
College Health
Grab Bag

A document proving that someone has completed an educational program. 

What is a degree? 

(Transcript is the document showing your academic career and GPA. Diploma is the more formal document you hang on your wall.)



What was the year HSU was founded?

It was then called Arkadelphia Methodist College. The college opened on September 3, 1890 with 110 students and 10 faculty members. 


This two-word term (beginning with a "b") refers to the consumption of 4/5 drinks within a two-hour period

What is binge drinking?


The number of hours a college athlete should sleep for maximum performance. 

What is nine to ten?


This is money students use to pay for education. It includes all of the grants, loans, scholarships and work-study.

What is Financial Aid?

(Financial Aid is located in the Caddo Center. To pay your bill or for questions about your bill specifically you need the Business Office which is in Womack Hall)


A document that lists important deadlines throughout the semester.

What is the academic calendar?


One of the oldest existing structures on campus.

What is the fence on the South Lawn?


44% of college students engage in this activity.

What percent of college students engage in this binge drinking?

More than half of binge drinkers experience the following; missing class, falling behind in schoolwork, lower grade point average, risky sexual behavior. 


General irritability, Elevated heart rate, Increased blood pressure, Increased accident proneness, Floating anxiety-anxious feeling for no specific reason, Trembling, Insomnia, Headaches, Indigestion, Pain in neck and/or lower back, Changes in appetite or sleep.

What are signs of stress?


Numerical average that measures a student's academic performance.

What is a Grade Point Average (GPA)?

Henderson does not use plus or minus. A term GPA is for a specific semester. Cumulative GPA is for your entire Academic Career. 


This is a four-year degree that you earn at a university or college. 

What is a Bachelor's Degree?

(An Associate's Degree is earned at a 2-year community college. But, HSU now has 3 Associate Degrees you can earn enroute to your 4 year Bachelor's Degree. After a Bachelor's Degree is a Master's Degree and then a Doctorate Degree.)



What is the year the main building on campus was ravaged by a fire?

That night a group of HSU students gathered under pine trees to make a decision about either transferring or rebuilding. That's the night the Reddie Spirit was born. 


1500 per year

How many college students die because of alcohol?


Where do you get help with anxiety, depression, extreme stress, etc.

What is the Campus Health and Wellness Center on the 1st floor of Mooney Hall? (It's free!)


Academic Probation

What a student's Academic Status is when their cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0?

(While on Academic Probation a student is suspended if their term GPA falls below a 2.0)


One half of the school year and the length that most of your classes will last. 

What is a semester?


A person I can go to on-campus when I am struggling.

Who are, advisors, instructors, the campus wellness center, faculty and staff I've had contact with, your seminar instructor?

Percentage of college students with STIs that got them while intoxicated.

What is 60%?


About 3.5 hours, two in aerobic activity and 1.5 in weight-bearing activity.

What is how many hours a week do we need to exercise?


A campus event that is held to connect students with numerous employers.

What is a career fair?

(Don't wait until your senior year to attend! Start going now... it's never too early to start networking! Dress professionally, make eye contact, shake hands, etc.)


The subject area of study you focus the most classes on in college.

What is your major?

(A minor is the study that you focus the second most number of classes on in college. The LAC or Liberal Arts Core are general education type courses required for all HSU degrees.)


Building on campus that houses financial aid, advising, housing and admissions.

What is the Caddo Center?


The meaning of lines on a Solo Cup. 

How does a person determine a serving of alcohol?


Helps with memory and stress--as well as prevention of weight gain.

What is exercise?


One of the top 3 factors to being a successful student is defined as the instance of being present in an event or place.

What is class attendance?
