Which tag is used for a title?
True or False: HTML, CSS, and Javascript are all Front-end development languages
What is the acronym for Cascading Style Sheets?
True or False: Multiple HTML elements can be accessed by ID
What does the < li > tag do?
Make a bullet
What is Javascript used for?
Making animation and content look appealing to the user
What is the acronym for Hypertext Markup Language?
True or False: Multiple HTML elements can be accessed by a class
Which of the following is a comment in HTML?
a) < !-- This is a comment -- >
b) #This is a comment
c) .This is a comment
d) */ this is a comment */
< !-- This is a comment -- >
What is HTML used for?
Making tags and adding content
CSS code is located in which tag?
a) < style >
b) < body >
c) < index >
d) < script >
< style >
True or False: when referencing element with a tag in CSS (i.e. h1 { } ) this influences all elements with that tag
Which tag can be used to bold a text?
a) < strong >
b) < bullet >
c) < bold >
d) < green >
a) < strong >
What is CSS used for?
Making content look nicer
Javascript code is located in which tag?
a) <main>
b) <style>
c) <body>
d) <index>
To a set a list to upper roman numerals, which of the following CSS styles should be used?
a) list-style-type: square;
b) list-style-type: upper-roman
c) list-style-type: lower-roman;
d) list-style-type: upper-roman;
d) list-style-type: upper-roman;
Which tag is used for regular text?
< p >
What are the three languages of the web?
HTML, CSS, and javascript
HTML code is located in which tag?
a) <index>
b) <style>
c) <script>
d) <body>
To set an h1 element to the center, we will use align: center;