An old fishing boat.
The main character and narrator. (Full name)
Huckleberry Finn
Why did Huck leave bloody hair on an axe?
Pretend dead/father killed him
What is the full name of the book?
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Huck likes smoking tobacco in this.
A deep cave in the rock.
Huck's escaped friend.
Where did Huck first go to lay low?
Jackson's Island
Who is the author of the novel?
Mark Twain
Where do women of God live?
A kind of woman's hat.
Huck's best friend. (full name)
Tom Sawyer
Who really is Sarah Wiliiams?
What is the name of the river they floated down?
What ran over and killed Pa?
A kind of shelter like a tent.
Who told Huck he could go to school. (2 words)
the Widow Douglas
What do the two liars and frauds call themselves?
king and duke
How much gold did Huck leave with Judge Thatcher?
6,000 dollars
The name of a very strange punishment.
tar and feather
A kind of long lasting fight between families.
Who took Huck and Tom's money for safe keeping. (2 words)
Judge Thatcher
How did Colonel Sherburn deal with Boggs?
shot him dead
How much money did the rapscallions take in three nights?
465 dollars
What was Mark Twain's real name? (x2)
Samuel Clemens