"He was thinking about his wife and his children, away up yonder, and he was low and homesick; because he hadn't ever been away from home before in his life; and I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their'n." (Twain 117)
Who is Huckleberry Finn
Do Tom's plans to free Jim show the Satire of slavery or the theme of friendship towards Huck in the story?
What is satire of slavery
Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams is Huck, it was his disguise when going into town
The King and the Duke
What is Foe
“Good Gracious! anybody hurt?”......”No’m, killed a ******” (Twain 223), name the two people taking place in the conversation
Who is Aunt Sally and Huck
Name a reason for the growth of Huck and Jim's friendship
1. Both trying to escape society
2. bond forged by facing dangerous situations
3. friendship created from learning about the struggles of each other
Buck and the Grangerfords
Huck is forced to abandon the raft to avoid a steamboat and ends up making his way to the Grangerfords' property
Both answers can be correct if you explain your side correctly
"I went and told the Window about it, she said the thing a body could do by praying for it was ‘spiritual gifts.’....She told me what she meant - I must help other people,and do everything I could for other people, and look out for them all the time.”(Twain 44), name the speaker and who the speaker was referring to
Who is Huck is the speaker and he is referring to Miss Watson
Why do Tom's plans show the satire of Slavery that Twain presents
Tom takes a serious issue and turns in into a game that does not hold as much meaning to him as it does to Jim and Huck
The King and the Duke
Huck and Jim were picking berries when the King and the Duke bumped into them, they were both running away from people chasing after them
Aunt Sally
Foe, while aunt Sally is presented as being very pleasant to Huck when he first arrives, she very quickly reveals her racism which served as an obstacle for Huck and Jim
“Everybody that wants to join has got to take an oath, and write his name in blood… some thought it would be a good idea to kill the families of boys who told the secrets”(Twain 7-8).
Who is Tom Sawyer
Was Jim, Huck's only true friend throughout the story
Yes, Jim was the only person that would have put Huck's safety first in any situation, but if Huck had spent more time with other characters like Buck, he may had=ve made more meaningful connections
The Wilks Nieces
The King and the Duke impersonate Peter Wilks' brother from England in order to steal the fortune that he has left behind
What is both, Tom begins the story as a friend to Huck, but as their lives grow apart, so does their maturity which causes them to become foes when Tom does not free Jim before toying with him
"All right, then, I'll go to hell" (Twain 241)
Who is Huckleberry Finn
Opinion question: Did the theme of friendship that was shown through Huck and Jim overshadow the satire of Slavery in the story? As Jim and Huck became better friends, did the Slavery satire begin to diminish?
This can go either way. People could argue that less slavery satire was shown through Huck as he became better friends with Jim, or it can be argued that the satire increased because Huck still showed ignorance to other enslaved people.
Tom (at the end of the story)
Huck is impersonating Tom at his Aunts house in order to rescue Jim, Tom shows up while Huck is there
What is friend, Huck shows compassion for Buck after he is killed, it is the one of the only times that Huck cries during the story