The amount of main Hawaiian islands
What is Po'o?
This island's colour symbol is red
what is Big Island Hawai'i
I pulled up 8 islands with this
What is the Magic Hook (manaiakalani)
What is I luna
The name of the King that Unified the islands
Who is King Kamehameha
I clap with these
What are Lima
This is the Garden isle
What is Kauai
I taught Maui how to make fire
Who is the CHICKEN
Right and left
The meaning of ALOHA
What is Akahai-kindness, Lokahi-Unity, Olu 'olu-being agreeable, Ha'a ha'a- humility, and Aho nui-Patience. Also Hi, Goodbye, Love
I stomp with these
What are wawae
This island has pink sand
What is Maui
I am Maui's nemesis, and greedy.
Who is Ope'ape'a
To sit
What is I Noho
Where the Hawaiians voyaged from on the Hokulea
What is the Cook Islands and parts of Asia?
I bend these to hula
The TARGET isle
What is Kaho'olawe
I am what Ope'epe'a stole
His girlfriend
I lalo
The ocean Hawaii is in
What is the Pacific?
The parts on your face
What are Maka, Ihu, Waha, Niho
The Friendly isle
What Maui's mom makes for the village
What is Kapa cloth
List all the directionals we know
What are: I luna, I lalo, I noho, Akau, hema, I mua, I hope, Lele luna, Huli, and LAWA