What part of the nervous system carries messages to and from your brain?
The nerves.
How many bones does the adult human body have?
Name the important parts of the respiratory system.
The trachea, lungs, and diaphram.
What does DNR mean?
Do not resuscitate.
Do not perform CPR.
When you blush, the lining on your stomach also turns red.
What two things protect your brain?
The skull and a layer of liquid.
What bones protect you heart and lungs?
The ribs.
What 2 gases are part of the respiratory system?
Oxygen and carbon dioxide.
What is the Epidermis?
Outer layer of the skin.
Your fingernails are made out of bone.
False. Keratin.
What part of the brain helps with movement and balance?
The cerebellum.
What is the largest bone in the body?
The femur.
Explain how we breathe.
Air comes in the nose or mouth. Air travels down the trachea and moves into our lungs. Then air gets pushed out of the lungs back into the trachea and out through the mouth or nose.
What does CPR mean?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Your ears and nose never stop growing.
What is the scientific name for a nerve cell?
A neuron.
Where is the smallest bone in the body located?
In the ear.
What is the word for breathing in air?
What are Phalanges?
The fingers and toes.
You have the same number of neck bones as a giraffe.
True, 7.
What part of the brain helps us think?
The cerebrum.
What do we call the place where bones come together?
What is HDL and LDL?
High density lipoprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol)
Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
You produce over 8 and a half cups of saliva each day.