Respiratory system.
This organ is an engine of your body. It pumps blood.
Your brain is inside this part of your body.
your head.
If your temperature is above 100 F, you are burning. You must have ...(f_ _ _ r).
Your family doctor is also called ...(this)
physician, general doctor
This system is in charge or blood circulation.
Circulatory system
This big spongy organ is a filter for your blood.
Your fingers are part of this body part.
a hand
You are very cold for no reason, you are shaking. You must have... (_ _ _ ll _).
You go to your family physician regularly for your routine ... up.
check up
This system is in charge of digestion.
Digestive system
These two twin organs filter and remove the toxins from your body.
Your toes are part of this.
a foot, feet
It is hard to breathe, your nose is congested, so you have to breathe through your mouth. You might have...(s_ _ ffed _ _ _ _)
Stuffed nose
Your family physician runs ...(this) to diagnose a problem.
This system is in charge of making babies.
Reproduction system.
This twin organ helps us with breathing.
A belly is in front of your body, also called ...(this)
abdomen, tummy, stomach
Your throat is red, it hurts to eat and drink. Your must have ...(s_ _ e _h _ _a_t).
sore throat
When you physician prescribes you medication, he gives you ...(this). You take it to a pharmacy.
a prescription
This system protects you from a virus.
Immune system.
This organ is a command center of your body. It controls everything else.
The join between a hand and an arm. You put a watch on it.
a wrist
Your ankle is in pain. It is swollen, dark purple, and it is hot. Your temperature is above normal. You must have ...(i_ _ f _ _ m_ _ _ _) in your ankle.
When your physician diagnoses a problem with your health, he or she often refers you to this doctor.
a specialist