What are the 3 main parts of the nervous system?
Brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
What is another purpose of the muscular system?
It keeps the skeletal system together.
What does MS stand for?
Multiple Sclerosis.
What are the 2 main muscles in your arm called?
Bicep and Tricep.
What are the 5 main body parts that the nerves send signals to?
Eyes, Ears, Mouth, Nose, and Skin.
What are the 3 main muscles in the muscular system?
Skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.
What is an involuntary muscle movement?
When you don't have control of it.
What is Bell's Palsy?
A weakness that usually effects just one side of the face.
What are the 2 main muscles in your upper leg called?
Hamstring and Quadriceps.
What is the nervous system responsible for?
The control of the human body.
What are the 4 major parts of the brain ?
Medulla, obangab, and midbrain
What are the 4 primary functions of the nervous system?
Sensory, communicative, integrative and motor functions.
What is Motor Neuron disease?
It's a condition that effects the neutrons causing weakness.
What is the muscular system responsible for?
The movement of the human body.
what is the nervous system?
The nervous system is a system in the body which sends signals to the body.
What are the 5 parts of the spine?
Cervioal, thoracic, lumbur, sacral, and coccygeal
What is a voluntary muscle movement?
When you have control.
What are some signs of MS?
Numbness, legs, arm, fingers, and you face can droop.
Name a muscle that is in a different organ system?
Brain, Heart and Diaphragm.
How long is your spine?
Your spine is around 45cm.