What is anatomy?
The study of the structure and shape of the body and it's parts.
What is the Integumentary system and what does it do?
The Integumentary system is the skin and it forms the external body covering, protects deeper tissue from injury, synthesizes vitamin D, and location of cutaneous nerve receptors
What is Median(Midsagittal)?
It divides the body in left and right halves.
What are the two forms of Nutrients the body needs?
Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals
Why must Homeostasis be maintained?
For normal body functioning and to sustain life.
What is Physiology?
The study of how the body and it's parts work or function.
What parts are in the Skeletal system and what is it's purpose?
Cartilages, joint, and bones. It protects and supports body organs, provides muscle attachment for movement, site of blood cell formation, and stores minerals.
What is Frontal(coronal plane)?
It separates the front and back of the body.
What do Nutrients help you with?
Helps with giving us energy and cell building
How does the body communicate?
Through neural and hormonal control systems.
What does Superior mean?
Toward the head end or upper right part of a structure or the body
Why is the Nervous system important and which parts are included in the Nervous system?
It is important because it's a fast-acting control system, responds to internal and external change, and activates muscles and glands. Brain, sensory receptor, spinal cord, and nerves are included in the Nervous system.
What is Transverse Plane?
Separates the upper and lower halves of the body
Why does our body need oxygen?
We need it to complete a chemical reaction to produce carbon dioxide and water
What is Homeostatic imbalance?
A disturbance in homeostasis resulting in disease.
What does posterior(dorsal) mean?
Toward or at the backside of the body; behind.
Is the Endocrine system useful?
Yes because it secretes regulatory hormones, growth, reproduction, and metabolism
What is Medial and Inferior?
Medial- Towards the midline
Inferior- away from the head
How much percentage of water does our body have?
About 60-80%
What are the three main components of Homeostasis?
The receptor, the control centre, and the effector.
What does Lateral mean?
Away from the midline of the body
What is being transported in the Cardiovascular system?
Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Nutrients, and wastes.
What is Anterior?
Anterior- Front of the body
Why do our body's need water?
To help keep stable body temperature and provide help for metabolic reaction
What are the main components job?
The receptor receives information on the changing environment, the control centre processes the information received by the receptor, and the effector reverses the situation and return the value to the normal range.