This colorless fluid does not contain red blood cells but it does go everywhere blood does in the body.
What is lymph?
These organs filter over 1 Liter of blood every minute. You have 2, unless you've donated one.
What are KIDNEYS?
What is the function of the Circulatory System
Passing Nutrients throughout the body
this pair of organs is located in the rib cage and brings oxygen to the blood
What are LUNGS
This organ has a capacity (or size) of approximately 1 Liter
This organ is the filter for the lymphatic system.
What is the Spleen?
This storage space can feel like its going to burst if you wait to long for a bathroom pass.
What is the BLADDER?
This organ pumps blood through the body
The heart
This large muscle is what contracts and relaxes in order to expand and contract the lungs.
What is the DIAPHRAGM?
This specialized organ closes the windpipe and forces food down the esophagus to the stomach.
Adenoids and this lymphatic tissue that begins with the letter T are found in the throat and nose.
What is are tonsils?
The length of the Ureters in miles.
What is 10 miles?
These specialized cells fight against viruses
White Blood Cells
Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Cancer, COPD that limit respiratory function are know as these.
What are diseases of the respiratory system?
These 3 organs are ACCESSORY ORGANS in the digestive system; Gall bladder, Pancreas and _____
What is the LIVER
The name of the small knobs of tissue that trap bacteria.
What are Lymph nodes?
This waste fluid is released from the body after being stored in the bladder.
What is URINE?
Transportation, Protection, Communication, Temperature Regulation are the for major purposes of this part of the circulatory system.
What is blood?
These small balloon like sacs are what bring air into the lungs.
What are aveoli?
The function of this organ in the digestive system is to re-absorb water.
One of the jobs of the lymphatic system.
What is trapping bacteria and other micro organisms that cause disease?
What is carrying water and dissolved substances to cells?
This is the main FUNCTION OF the Excretory System.
What is to rid the body of fluids that are not needed?
This muscle separates the two sides of the heart.
What is the Septum?
Taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide is the ______ of the respiratory system.
This is the first in the order of the digestive process; ___, Digestion, Absorption, Elimination and starts with the letter I.