What protects your lungs?🫁
Your rib cage.🫁
How long is the large intestine?🍏
It is 5 feet long.🍏
What is the skeletal system made up of?🦴
The bones that have structure to the human body.🦴
What does your musculus need most?💪
They need oxygen.💪
What part of your body does not get blood?🫀
It is the cornea of your eye is the only body part that does not have blood circulation.It is instead filled with thick waxy liquid called the vitreous humour.🫀
Is there one lung smaller then the other and if there is what side is it on.🫁
There is, and it is on the left side.🫁
How many organs are in this system?🍏
There are 10 organs in this system.🍏
What does bone marrow produce?🦴
It produces Blood cells.🦴
How many muscles are in the head?💪
There are 26 muscles in your head.💪
What is the circulatory systems use?🫀
It is to transfer blood.🫀
What are your seven parts of the respiratory system?🫁
It is your nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. 🫁
What is the use of stomach acid?🍏
To break down food.🍏
How many bones are in your foot?🦴
There are 26 bones in your foot.🦴
How many muscles are in your body?💪
There are 230 muscles in your body.💪
How many red blood cells does your body have?🫀
It has 25 trillion red blood cells in your body.🫀
What causes you to hiccup?🫁
Sudden movements of your diaphragm.🫁
What is the body's largest inner organ?🍏
The liver is the largest body organ.🍏
How many bones are there in your hand?🦴
There are 27 bones in your hand.🦴
What is the most important bone in the Muscular system?💪
It is the femur and the skull.💪
What types of blood cells are inside your body?🫀
Red blood cells ,white blood cells and plates.🫀
How many lungs do 11 people have?🫁
They have 22.🫁
How many taste buds are on you tongue?🍏
There are 10,000 taste buds on your tongue.🍏
What organs are in the skeletal system?🦴
It is the skull, vertebral column, collarbone, shoulder blades, rib cage, pelvic girdle and the bones of the hands, arms, feet and legs.🦴
Which bones make up the elbow joint?💪
Humerus,ulna and radius.💪
What do blue veins and red veins indicate?🫀
Blue is deoxygenated blood and red is oxygenated blood.🫀