The upper chamber of the heart.
What is an atrium?
What is supplying the body with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide?
This, as well as chewing, break down food once it enters your mouth.
What is saliva?
This is made up of millions of nerves and receives and sends messages to and from parts of the body.
What is the Spinal Cord?
This organ pumps blood all throughout the body.
What is the heart?
Vessels that transport blood away from the heart.
What are arteries?
A large breathing muscle that seperates the heart and lungs from the abdominal cavity.
What is the diaphragm?
The function of the Digestive System.
What is breaking down food into particles the body uses for nutrition?
What are neurons?
What are the lungs?
What is circulating oxygen and nutrients throughout the body?
The main components of the Respiratory System.
What are the lungs?
The undigested food travels down this.
What is the large intestine?
These nerves are located in the sensory organs (the eyes, ears, nose, and skin).
What are sensory nerves?
These organs create enzymes to digest food further, and soak up water so that the body can pass unneeded material.
What are the small intestine and the large intestine?
The heart is split into a right and left side.
What is the septum?
These tubes lead into the lungs.
What are the bronchial tubes?
This churns food and creates acid to help digest food.
What is the stomach?
These carry instructions from the brain to muscles in your body.
What are motor nerves?
This organ has three major parts and receives and sends messages to parts of the body telling them what to do.
What is the brain?
These carry the oxygen-rich blood to the left atrium of the heart, starting the cycle over again.
What are pulmonary veins?
Air goes down this after it has entered the body.
What is the trachea?
enzymes and bile in the small intestine are made and stored in these organs.
What are the pancreas, the liver, and the gall bladder?
The function of the Nervous System.
What is receiving information from the environment, understanding what that information means, and creating a response to it?
These are not organs, but they send messages to parts of the body by releasing a chemical.
What are nerves?