The process through which we clean our blood and eliminate waste from the body
All living things need what gas to live?
This organ is separated in two parts and located behind the sternum
The lungs
This is the most important organ of the Circulatory System
The heart
The source of nutrients for the body
Where is the urine stored before being expelled from the urethra?
The bladder
Air initially enters our body through what two parts of the body?
The nose and the mouth
This pipe brings oxygen to the lungs.
The trachea
The heart moves this throughout the body:
The diagram that shows the portions of each food group that should be eaten daily
The food pyramid
The organs of the excretory system are:
The kidneys, the bladder, and the urethra
This movement allows our lungs to fill with air
The muscle responsible for expanding and contracting the lungs
The diaphragm
The tubes which carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body
Nutrients feed these microscopic building blocks of the body
What is the function of the kidneys?
To clean our blood and make urine
This movement allows air to leave our lungs
What is the purpose of the respiratory system?
To take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the body
What is the purpose of the circulatory system?
To circulate blood to all parts of the human body.
The part of food used by the body to support healthy cells
How many urethras do we have?
What is bronchitis?
An infection of the bronchial tubes
What are the respiratory organs?
The nose, nostrils, trachea, bronchial tubes, and lungs
The human heart has how many chambers?
The date (printed on food labels) that indicates when a food goes bad
Expiration date