This system is responsible for helping blood be delivered to all parts of your body. The blood brings oxygen to your cells and picks up carbon dioxide and other waste.
What is the circulatory system.
We work in pairs to pull your bones in different directions. Without us, you'd wouldn't be able to move at all. What are we?
What are muscles.
The place where bones fit together is called a __________.
What is a joint.
What are the major parts of the respiratory system?
What are the lungs, trachea and alveoli.
What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles?
Voluntary muscles are what we control. Involuntary muscles we don't...they are automatic.
This system is responsible for breaking down the food you eat so that your body can get the nutrients it needs.
What is the digestive system.
I am muscle located behind your lungs. I am always moving and I never get tired. I pump blood to all parts of your body. What am I?
What is the heart.
I am tube in your throat. When you swallow, food or drink travels down through me into your stomach. What am I?
What is your esophagus.
What are the major parts of the nervous system?
What are the brain, nerves, spinal cord.
There are 3 types of blood vessels. Name them.
What are veins, arteries, capillaries.
This system is responsible for supporting your body and protecting your important organs.
What is the skeletal system.
We take oxygen that your body needs from the air and put it in your bloodstream. We also take carbon dioxide that is in your blood and send it out of your body. What are we?
What are the lungs.
I hold your body parts in. I have pores so sweat can escape your body. I am filled with nerves that help you to sense temperature and feel the things around you. What am I?
What is the skin.
These are the major parts of the circulatory system?
What are the heart and blood vessels (veins, arteries, capillaries).
An adult has this many bones in their skeleton?
What is 206.
This system is responsible for controlling all organs and activities of the body.
What is the nervous system.
I control your muscles and all of the organs in your body. I make sure you breathe automatically, ensure your heart beats properly, and remind you to blink your eyes. I even hold all of your thoughts and memories. What am I?
What is the brain.
My job is to attach your muscles to your bones. What am I called?
What is a tendon.
These are the major parts of the digestive system.
What are the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine.
Why is the small intestine labeled "small" when it is over 6-8 ft. long in a 5th grader?
It is called the small intestine because it is much smaller in width, or skinnier, than the large intestine.
This system is responsible for inhaling, or bringing in oxygen, and exhaling, or getting rid of, carbon dioxide.
What is the respiratory system.
When you eat, I mix your food with chemicals made by your body, then I churn up your food into smaller parts.
What is the stomach.
We are a pair of filters that clean your blood. We take liquid waste form your bloodstream and we send it down to your bladder. What are we?
What are the kidneys?
These are the important parts of the skeletal system.
What are bones, ligaments, joints.
What is the difference between your veins and your arteries?
The veins carry blood back to your heart. Most of the blood doesn't have much oxygen left in it.
The arteries carry blood away from your heart to all different parts of your body. This blood is full of oxygen.